  • 學位論文


Integrating Bibliotherapy to IBDP Chinese A Questioning Design: A Case Study of Crystal boys

指導教授 : 蔡雅薰


本研究旨在分析書目療法之提問設計融入國際文憑大學預科課程語言與文學課程的成效。以期青少年學生習得專業知識的同時,也能藉由閱讀紓緩情緒困擾問題。根據Erikson(1956)所提出的心理社會發展理論,青少年階段最重要的發展任務為「自我認同」(Self-identity),因此文本選用《孽子》,一方面書中角色與IBDP學生年齡相仿,另一方面從文本探究青少年的自我認同議題。提問設計理論採用符合IBDP教育理念之布魯姆認知作為架構,並融入書目療法的三階段提問。最後分析專家學者的建議,本研究結果如下: 一、書目療法三階段提問能達到IBDP語言與文學課程之概念性理解,而此種提問方式除了能提供新的文本解讀方向,在閱讀中的提問能達到連結文本內容與情緒覺察的效果。 二、《孽子》一書的課程編排上,建議以書中的「藝術技巧」和所使用之「語言」兩部份設計,前者尤以探究寫作手法「意識流」為佳,後者則可加入非文學文本作為輔助;融入情感教育課程編排上,則可採用Erikson提出的「自我認同」( self-identity ) 設計學習內容。 三、評鑑型問題和創造型問題更能夠達到概念性理解,但也要注意提問內容是否太廣,符不符合學習者的閱讀經驗。建議設計這兩類型的提問時,輔以更多鷹架支持。


This study foucuses on the efficacy of the bibliotherapy used in the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP) language and literature curriculum. This study aims to assist teenagers to release their emotional disturbance with bibliotherapy. The text selects "Crystal boys" in accordance with Erikson (1956) psychosocial development theory, "self-identity" is the most crucial developmental job in adolescence. On the one hand, the protagonists in the “Crystal boys” are comparable in age to IBDP pupils. Alternatively, analyzing the issues of adolescence self-identity form the “Crystal boys”. In this study, the questions are based on Bloom Taxonomy in accordance with the IBDP philosophy, and the three-stage questioning process used in bibliotherapy is integrated into the IBDP Chinese A course. Finally, this paper will analyze the suggestions of experts, reflect on the questioning design procedure, and the following conclusions are obtained; 1. The bibliotherapy helps students grasp the concepts in the IBDP language and literature course, and it also has the benefit of helping students connect the text content with their emotions. 2. Experts advise dividing the course into two sections: " literary, stylistic, rhetorical, visual or theatrical techniques," and "language use" as utilized in “Crystal boys.” The former is particularly helpful for studying "stream of consciousness" writing techniques, while the latter can be taught by supplementing non-literary material. Moreover, the "self-identity" Erikson put forward can be utilized to develop the learning content when integrating emotional education into the curriculum. 3. Evaluative and creative questions can help students better comprehend concepts; however it's necessary to consider whether the questions' substance is too general and doesn't match their reading background. Experts advise that these two question categories should have greater scaffolding.


