  • 學位論文


Colonel David D. Barrett and United States Relations with China,1944-1952

指導教授 : 吳翎君


1945年第二次世界大戰結束後,中華民國政府與中國共產黨的衝突也日益激烈,進而導致「國共內戰」全面爆發。這場戰爭最終以中國共產黨取得勝利,中華民國政府遷移至台灣告終。為應對中國的新局勢,1949年美國國務院發表《中美關係白皮書》,強調美國政府無須為中華民國戰敗而負責。1950年1月,美國更宣布不在軍事援助中華民國,直到6月韓戰爆發後才改變政策。有關這一段時期的中美關係的研究成果非常豐富,但對親歷此一決策過程的中下級軍官的研究則相對較少。 包瑞德上校1892出生於美國科羅拉多州,1917年入伍以參加第一次世界大戰。1924年被派駐至中國擔任北京公使館助理武官以學習中文,曾見證許多民國時期的重大事件,並與史迪威將軍以及馬歇爾將軍結為好友。1944年日軍發動「一號會戰」,國軍全面潰敗。為探討與共軍合作的可行性,由中緬印戰區組成「美軍觀察組」,亦稱「迪克西使團」,在史迪威的推薦下由包瑞德出任第一任團長。在延安期間,包瑞德主要任務為蒐集中國共產黨軍事情報。除此之外,他曾與中共領導人如毛澤東等人接觸,軍旅生涯達到頂峰。然而,這一段經歷也讓包瑞德失去晉升將領的機會。 第二次世界大戰結束後,包瑞德繼續在中國擔任助理武官,見證了中華人民共和國之成立。1950年2月,包瑞德離開北平,被奉派至台灣擔任美國駐中華民國大使館武官。然而因為在延安的經歷,使得不受中華民國政府的信任。包瑞德退伍後曾希望定居北平,卻因在1951年被指控涉嫌暗殺毛澤東被中共所通緝。後來他希望居住在台北,卻因中華民國政府的反對,最終只能回到美國,終其一生未能再次踏足中國和台灣。 包瑞德是一名效忠於美國的軍官,也是美國對華政策的執行者。然而他長期在中國服役,並熱愛中國的文化與人民,中國已成為他生命中重要的一部分。


After the end of World War II, the conflict between the Government of the Republic of China and The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) was growing in intensity, and it caused the Chinese Civil War. This war culminated in the winning of CCP and the retreat of the government of the Republic of China to Taiwan. Facing the new situation of China, the United States Department of State published The China White Paper, which emphasized that the Government of the United States did not need to be responsible for the defeat of the Republic of China. On January 1950, the Government of the United States also stated that they would stop to give military aid to the Republic of China. As the Korean War broke out in June 1950, the Government of the United States resumed economic and military aid to the Republic of China. The scholars have achieved plentiful production of research on the US-China relations in this period up to now. However, there is rare research on junior officers or field officers who had participated in the decision-making process on U.S. Policy toward China. In 1892, Colonel David D. Barrett was born in Colorado, and he enlisted in the United States Army in 1917 to participate in World War I. In 1924, he was assigned to Peiping as Assistant Military Attaché for Language Study. During the time he served in Peiping, David Barrett experienced many major events in the Republic of China era, and he also made friends with General George C. Marshall and General Joseph Stilwell. In 1944, after the Imperial Japanese Army forces defeated the National Revolutionary Army of the Republic of China in the Operation Ichi-Go, The U.S. Army Observation Group to Yan'an, commonly known as the Dixie Mission was formed by China Burma India Theater (CBI) to research the feasibility of cooperating with CCP army. David Barrett became the first commander of Dixie Mission under the recommendation of the General Joseph Stilwell. In Yan'an, David Barrett was sent to on a mission to gather military intelligence about the CCP. In addition, he also met with the leaders of CCP such as Mao Zedong in Yan'an. Being the commander of Dixie Mission made David Barrett reach the pinnacle of his military career; however, the experience in Yan'an also made him fail to be promoted to general. After the end of World War II, David Barrett still served as Assistant Military Attaché in China, and he witnessed the foundation of the People's Republic of China. In February 1950, David Barrett left Peiping and he was assigned to Taiwan as Military Attaché in U.S. Embassy in the Republic of China. However, because of the experience in Yan'an, the Government of the Republic of China distrusted David Barrett. David Barrett intended to live in Peiping after retirement, but he was wanted by the government of People's Republic of China for attempting to assassinate Mao Zedong in 1951. After that, he wished to reside in Taiwan;however, his application for residing in Taiwan was rejected by the government of the Republic of China. As a result, he could only return to the United States after retiring from the army, and he never came back to China and Taiwan for the rest of his life. Colonel David Barrett was loyal to the United States of America, and he was also the implementer of U.S. Policy toward China. However, he had served in China for a long time and he loved the Chinese culture and the Chinese people. China was an important part of his life.


(一) 檔案、文獻與報紙
1. 美國史丹佛大學胡佛研究所圖書檔案館(Hoover Institution Library & Archives, Stanford University)藏,《蔣介石日記》,1950年6月24日。
2. 國史館藏,外交部檔,〈護照及相關事務雜卷(三)〉,典藏號:020-210499-0008。
3. 國史館藏,國民政府檔,〈國民政府令包瑞德給予特種襟綬附勛表寶鼎勛章〉,典藏號:001-035100-00171-015。
