  • 學位論文


The effects of muscle strength exercise intervention on functional physical fitness and sarcopenia among older adults: An example from a senior care center in Taipei City

指導教授 : 張德永


研究背景:健康老化強調身體功能要維持在理想的狀態,當高齡者年紀越大,面臨的是更多肌肉量流失與行動能力衰退問題,過去研究較少探討長期阻力訓練對高齡長者身體功能的效益。研究目的:探討超高齡長者二十四週參與肌力訓練對功能性體適能、肌肉減少症、幸福感與衰弱感之影響。研究方法:研究對象為57位台北市某日照安養機構之高齡長者,其中男性8位,女性49位,年齡介於72歲至100歲,平均年齡為85.6 ± 1.3歲。高齡者接受以肌力為主的訓練,每週2天,每天1小時,為期24週。於運動介入前後,參與者接受下列測量: 1.功能性體適能,包括開眼單足站立、椅子坐站、肱二頭肌屈舉、2分鐘原地站立抬膝、椅子坐姿體前彎、抓背測驗、椅子坐起繞物共七項 ; 2.肌肉減少症測驗 (三十秒肱二頭肌屈舉、椅子坐立和6公尺步行) ; 3.身體組成測量 (體重、身高、身體質量指數、腰圍、臀圍、腰臀圍比) ; 4.國民幸福指數與衰弱評估 (SOF法)。所得資料以SPSS 26.0 進行除錯及分析,採用雙尾相依t檢定,p值小於.05為統計顯著水準。研究結果: 1.身體組成項目中,除身高顯著降低 (p < .05) 外,其他測量值前後測皆未達顯著差異。2.功能性體適能7項指標、肌肉減少症指標、衰弱感前後測皆達顯著改善 (p < .05) ,幸福指數維持不變。結論:本研究顯示24週,每週兩天的肌力訓練可提升高齡者的功能性體適能,改善肌肉減少症指標,降低衰弱感,維持幸福感。建議:本研究設計漸進式長期的肌力運動課程,長照機構宜積極推廣,以改善高齡者住民的身體功能和身心健康。


Background: To maintain stable function ability is the goal of Healthy Aging, however, the older adults face more muscle mass loss and physical function declined issues as the age advanced. Previously, there are few studies to examine the long-term resistance training effects on the physical function and muscle mass for the older adults who were above 70 years old. Purposes: To investigate the effects of 24-week resistance training on the functional fitness, sarcopenia, wellbeing, and the frailty of the older adults. Methods: Fifty-seven older adults were recruited in a day-care nursing home in Taipei city as the subjects of this study, 8 were male and the other 49 were female. The age range were 72-100 years old, and the average age were 85.6 ± 1.3 years old. All the subjects had received the resistance training mainly program, 2 days per week, one hour each week for 24 weeks, under the lead by qualified physical fitness coach. Before and after intervention, all the subjects had received the following tests: 1, the functional fitness tests, including open-eye single leg stand, chair stand test, arm curl test, 2-minute step up test, chair-sit and reach, back scratch test and 8-feet up and go test (7 items). 2, sarcopenia test (30 seconds arm curl test, chair stand test and 6 meters walk). 3, body composition measurement (height, weight, body mass index, waist and hip circumference). 4, wellbeing and frailty assessment (SOF method). All the collected data were analyzed with SPSS 26.0 after deleting the wrong data, and the dependent t was used to determine the difference with P value < .05. Results: 1, the height was significantly decreased after training (p < 05), the other variables of body composition were not different. 2, All the 7 variables of functional fitness, indicators of sarcopenia, wellbeing and frailty factors were significantly improved after training (p < .05). Conclusion: The 24-week resistance training consisting of one hour each day, 2 days a week had improved the functional fitness, muscle function, wellbeing, and frailty of the very old adults. Suggestion: The long-term resistance training can improve the physical function and body-mind health, it was worthwhile to promote this program.


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