  • 學位論文


Research on the Application of Podcast in Performing Arts' Performance

指導教授 : 何康國


本論文針對「新媒體應用於表演藝術」進行研究,探討近年來在眾多社群媒體中興起的Podcast,是如何僅僅依靠「聲音」便串聯起創作者與收聽觀眾之間的緊密關係,一步步使Podcast融入多數人的生活日常中,同時本研究也將對數個表演藝術團體分別進行訪談與分析,了解團體在面對新型態、未知的新媒體傳播平台時,是如何將新科技與表演藝術結合。 在科技的發展下,民眾擁有愈來愈多不同的視覺與聽覺傳播平台可以選擇,然而,僅透過聲音作為傳播媒介的Podcast,其收聽觀眾卻在近年來有明顯增長的趨勢,另一方面,隨著表演藝術的發展,近年臺灣表演藝術團體也在創作上有更多跨域的結合,不論是演出內容或是演出形式,都有更多的嘗試與突破。 然而,當新冠肺炎於全球爆發後,面對病毒肆虐的環境下,表演藝術的演出受到嚴重衝擊,許多演出必須延期甚至面臨取消。表演藝術團體不得已為了要維持團隊的運作,轉向積極找尋適合的新營運模式,因而加速了表演藝術領域的數位轉型,短時間內有愈來愈多的場館、團體嘗試將表演的呈現延伸到網路視訊平台與Podcast,促使表演藝術團體將原先的演出方式結合了當前的科技,創造出不同於以往的藝術呈現方式,也同時帶給觀眾全新的觀賞體驗。 本論文經由探討Podcast擁有什麼樣的特性,使其成為表演藝術團體經營社群媒體的選項,同時也透過專訪表演藝術領域相關的Podcast創作者,了解表演藝術可以如何將Podcast運用於行銷、宣傳,或是成為作品線上化的平台,以及Podcast這樣新型態的藝文表演方式又將如何維持表演團體的營運收入等實際問題。 除此之外,Podcast也同樣使教育推廣的方式有了新的面貌,有別於過往的線下推廣、Facebook文案、Youtube影片或是網站資料等形式,Podcast提供了許多表演藝術領域的工作者能在較低成本的支出下有了分享專業知識的平台,同時也歸功於網路的普及,Podcast的內容分享並不會受到地域與時間的限制,任何有相關需求的使用者都可以藉由電子裝置隨時隨地收聽,讓更多人可以接觸到表演藝術相關資訊,也讓場館、藝術與民眾之間有了對接的橋樑,而在這當中Podcast扮演了相當重要的角色。


The present study aims to investigate the application of new media in performing arts, delving into how Podcast, a platform having recently emerged among numerous social media platforms, establishes a strong relationship between podcasters and podcast audiences, having gradually penetrated most people’s daily lives via sounds. Meanwhile, the study also interviewed a couple of performing arts groups and analyzed the collected data in order to identify how these groups integrated modern technology into performing arts. With the advances of science and technology, individuals have had more diverse visual and audio broadcast platforms to choose from. However, in recent years there has been a significant increase in the number of audiences of Podcast, a platform merely utilizing sounds as its broadcast medium. On the other hand, with the development in performing arts, more and more interdisciplinary approaches can be seen among performing arts groups in Taiwan of late. No matter what the content of the performance is or how the performance presents, there has been a growing number of attempts and breakthroughs made. Nevertheless, after the coronavirus outbreak around the globe, live performances of performing arts have experienced significant setbacks in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic, causing numerous performances to be incurred by postponement or even cancellation. As a consequence, performing arts groups have no alternative but to actively seek novel and appropriate business models in order to maintain normal operations, which accelerates the digital transformation in arts and humanities. More and more performance centers attempt to weave online audio and video platforms, as well as Podcast into the presentation of performing arts with a view to prompting performing arts groups to integrate modern technology into their initial means of presentation, further creating novel ways of presentation and meanwhile introducing fresh watching experience to the audiences. The study aims to identify the factors that determine how Podcast is given priority over other social media platforms for performing arts groups. In the meantime, an interview with Podcasters specializing in performing arts was conducted so as to understand how performing arts groups can use Podcast to serve as a platform for marketing, for promotion or even for keeping digitalized works. Also, how such a new form of art presentation practical issues such as revenue sources was discussed. In addition, Podcast provides a platform for sharing professional knowledge at lower cost for numerous creators working in performance arts, which is quite different from previous offline promotion strategies, copy written on Facebook, videos uploaded onto Youtube. Podcast adds a new dimension to the approach of promoting education, and information on websites, etc. Last, thanks to the prevalence of the Internet, the content of Podcast gets to overcome the limitations of geography and time, allowing interested users to listen to Podcast at all times and places via electronic devices. Overall, the aforementioned traits of Podcast make information regarding performing arts accessible to more people and help act as a bridge among performing arts centers, arts, and the public as Podcast playing a significant role.


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