  • 學位論文


Research on Synchronized Teaching of Wu-shu Sequence Movements

指導教授 : 李晶




Facing the change of teaching mode, this study discussed the difficulty, strategy of synchronous martial arts sequence action course and the teaching process was divided into Cognitive Phase,Associative Phase,Automate phase. By using LAM and Mosston pedagogy, the three-stage teaching connotation and teaching method are deconstructed. This research adopts snowball sampling and semi-structured interviews of qualitative research to collect data and the interview are six teachers who have experience in teaching synchronous Tai Chi courses. The conclusions are as follows:1. The inability to grasp the quality of network connectivity is the biggest difficulty of educators which resulting learning new technologies.2. Teachers need to define the course first, the synchronous course is a bridge course or an independent course,and they can plan the teaching materials and progress accordingly.3. The teaching effect is limited, but it can avoid the loss of original physical students and the interruption of learning progress.4. The teaching connotation development base on three stages of movement learning, is changed from focusing on external body structure to internal movement texture.5. Teaching method: command-style teaching to maintain smooth teaching, practice-style to improve motor skills, and self- check-style to develop personal characteristics.Therefore, teachers should cultivate scientific and technological ability, take the initiative to interact to interact to solve problems, and increase trust.And guide learners to different levels of self-awareness and error correction at each stage to make up for the inability to teach in person.Finally, workable teaching suggestions are proposed for reference.


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