  • 學位論文


The relationships between coronavirus pandemic anxiety, technology anxiety, and learning satisfaction in distance learning among middle-aged adults during the Covid-19 pandemic: The moderating effects of extraversion, openness to experience, and social support

指導教授 : 王雅鈴


2019年新冠病毒肺炎(Covid-19)引起全球大流行,疫情擴及至全球經濟、政治、社會、教育等產業。在臺灣許多終身教育機構停止活動或轉為線上課程,而中高齡者固有的生活型態也受到轉變。疫情不僅危及人的生命,也限制著人們的日常生活,其嚴重程度及不確定性成為影響個人心理健康的壓力源。因此本文將探討在新冠肺炎疫情期間,中高齡者參與遠距學習之疫情焦慮、科技焦慮與學習滿意度情形,進而分析人格特質中的外向性、開放性和社會支持與的是否可調節其中關係。 本研究以社區大學實施遠距學習課程班級之45歲至65歲中高齡學員,且有在疫情中參與五次以上的遠距學習課程經驗者作為研究對象,本研究問卷共回收314份有效問卷,回收率為 89.71%。本研究工具有Bernardo等學者編製的疫情焦慮量表(Coronavirus Pandemic Anxiety Scale)、科技焦慮量表(Technology Anxiety Scale)、參考多位學者之學習滿意度量表(Learning Satisfaction Scale)、Saucier (1994)的簡短版五大人格特質量表(International English Big-Five Mini-Markers)以及Sherbourne和Stewart (1991)的社會支持量表,並以紙本問卷進行發放。本研究分析方法採用多元階層迴歸分析(multiple hierarchical regression analysis)。研究結果顯示疫情焦慮與學習滿意度呈現正向相關,科技焦慮與學習滿意度呈現負向相關,外向性與開放性對於焦慮來源與學習滿意度不具調節效果,社會支持可以調節科技焦慮和學習滿意度之關係,意即社會支持高之中高齡者,科技焦慮越低時,學習滿意度越高;社會支持低之中高齡者,科技焦慮越高時,學習滿意度越低。


In 2019, Covid -19 caused a global pandemic, and the epidemic spread to the global economy, politics, society, education, and other industries. In Taiwan, many lifelong education institutions ceased activities or switched to online courses, and the inherent lifestyles of middle-aged adults have also been transformed. The epidemic not only endangers people's lives, but also restricts people's daily life. Its severity and uncertainty have become a source of stress affecting personal mental health. Therefore, this article will discuss the coronavirus pandemic anxiety, technology anxiety, and learning satisfaction in distance learning among middle-aged adults during the Covid-19 pandemic, and then analyze whether the relationship between extroversion, openness, and social support in personality traits can be moderated. In this study, middle-aged adults aged 45 to 65 who participated in distance learning courses more than five times during the epidemic were selected as the research subjects. A total of 314 valid questionnaires were recovered in this study, with a return rate of 89.71%. The tools of this research include the Coronavirus Pandemic Anxiety Scale, the Technology Anxiety Scale, the Learning Satisfaction Scale, the short version of the Big-Five Personality Scale, and Sherbourne and Stewart’s (1991) social support scale. They were distributed in the form of a paper questionnaire. The analysis method of this study was multiple hierarchical regression analysis. The research results show that coronavirus pandemic anxiety is positively correlated with learning satisfaction, and technology anxiety is negatively correlated with learning satisfaction. Extraversion and openness have no moderating effect on anxiety sources and learning satisfaction. Social support can moderate technology anxiety and learning satisfaction. For the middle-aged adults with high social support, when their technology anxiety was lower, their learning satisfaction is higher; for the middle-aged adults with low social support, when their technology anxiety was higher, their learning satisfaction was lower.


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