  • 學位論文


The Study on the Individuation Process of Senior Learners Participated in Tourism Activities

指導教授 : 秦秀蘭


旅人的故事發生在旅途上,是一場與自我、他人、情境的對話,觸發的媒介雖是旅途中的人、事、物,改變的動力卻不只是此時此地的心情,更多的覺察來自於彼時彼地的默會學習。本研究目的在探究英文班高齡學員,參與海外旅遊活動,在歷程中促發生命之覺察與轉化。研究取徑以立意抽樣選擇四位高齡旅遊英文班學員為研究參與者,研究方法則以深度訪談為主,輔以教學記錄、教學省思、Line群組、臉書等網路互動的蒐集資料協助分析;藉由Joseph Campbell與Christopher Vogler的英雄旅程,勾勒四位研究參與者「啟程—啟蒙—回歸」的十二道歷程,並以Carl Jung個體化理論與視角,詮釋與分析高齡學習者參與旅遊活動中,經由他人、情境,與自身經驗互動之歷程成長與轉化。 研究發現,旅遊對於結束前半生任務的高齡者,具有開展生活視野的學習經驗,甚至藉此發展退休後的第二職涯,從而找到生命中更具自我的意義。梳理研究結果如下:1.參與旅遊活動是高齡學習者面向自我的英雄之旅。四位研究參與者藉由「啟程–啟蒙–回歸」,見證歷程中面對挑戰與困境,不受年齡局限的能動性。2. 終身學習提供高齡者旅遊體驗的覺察與反思能力。觸發改變的媒介雖是人、事、物,改變的發生卻來自覺察的力量,說明高齡者的學習需要實用知識,但高齡者也需要啟發教育,可以和默會知識融合,產生創新思維或新的動能。3. 旅行促成高齡者面對內在自我與生命轉化。發掘我們內在深層力量的機會,會在生命最具挑戰性的時刻到來。旅人總在通過黑暗幽谷的考驗中照見真實自我,高齡者也不例外。四位研究參與者在通過旅程最艱困的歷程後,均獲得可貴的寶藏,並將人生推向更精彩的第二生涯。由此可見對高齡者而言,旅遊可以和默會知識融合,產生創新思維或新的動能,對於活躍老化、成功老化、生產老化甚至是超越老化具有一定的影響力。


The traveler's story takes place on the journey. It is a dialogue between one’s self, others and situations. Although the triggering mediums could be the people, things or events that happened in the journey, the driving force for change is not only the mood but also the awareness. The purpose of this research is to explore the elderly students of English classes promote the awareness and transformation of life during their overseas tourism activities. The research is based on having in-depth interviews with four students of the senior tourism English classes, and supplementing with teaching records, teaching reflections, Line groups, Facebook and other online interactive data collection. In addition, with the help of Joseph Campbell’s and Christopher Vogler’s heroic journey, this paper outlines the twelve stages of the four research participants from “departure”, “enlightenment” to “return." It also interprets and analyzes the growth and transformation of these senior learners with Carl Jung's individuation theory and perspectives through the process of interaction with others, situations, and one's own experience in their tourism activities. The study found that for seniors who have completed missions for their first half of the lives, travel becomes a learning experience to expand their vision of life, and even use this to develop a second career after retirement and find the meaning of themselves. The research results are summarized as below: 1. Tourism activities are heroic journeys for senior learners to face themselves. Through "Departure-Enlightenment-Return, " the four participants overcame challenges and difficulties during the journey without being limited by their ages. 2. Lifelong learning provides the elderly with the ability to perceive and reflect on their travel experience. Although the media that trigger changes are people, things, and events, the changes themselves come from the power of awareness. This shows that elderly require not only to learn practical knowledge, but also need enlightenment education in order to generate innovative thinking or new ideas through the combination of tacit knowledge. 3. Travel enables the elderly to face the transformation of their inner self and life and provides opportunities to tap into ones’ deep inner strengths at some of life's most challenging moments. Similar to travelers, the elderly always see their true selves during the most chanlleging part of journey. All four participants found valuable treasures after navigating the most difficult part of their journeys and propelled their lives into a more exciting second career. It can be seen that for the elderly, tourism can be integrated with tacit knowledge to generate innovative thinking or new kinetic energy, which has a certain influence on active aging, successful aging, productive aging and even gerotranscendence.


一、 中文文獻
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