  • 學位論文


Strategic Analysis of Taiwan's Plant Based Foods Export into U.S. Market

指導教授 : 王國欽 李鴻鈞


台灣食品界幾乎沒有一個品項或品牌能夠銷售到全世界,反觀日韓早已有行銷世界的品牌,台灣食品產業給人的印象似乎停留在只會做代工、只會Cost Down。從事食品生產、銷售及國際貿易至今已超過35年,這點一直讓我引以爲憾。白種人發明糖果、餅乾已超過200多年,我們的技術很難超越它,但華人做素肉已超過數百年,我們的技術是相對先進的。一年前透過週刊得知,Beyond Meat—世界最大的植物肉公司,它的擠壓技術其實是來自美國密蘇里大學的美籍台裔謝富弘教授,這個消息更為我帶來希望。這些年來從新創公司到國際級動物肉公司皆投下巨資在做研發及推廣,因為他們知道植物食品已不再只是流行,它以漸漸發展為現今的主流,這燃起我推廣台灣植物性食品的鬥志。本研究採質化分析,以深入訪談的方式訪談三位來自不同台灣食品公司的受訪者來探討植物性食品進入美國市場的策略分析。本研究經過研究結果發現,台灣多口味、多樣化的研發能力、小而美的彈性生產能力加上持續不斷的自動化改善,再加上家族公司(第二代均已投入)全心投入,讓我更有信心,台灣的植物性食品有機會誕生ㄧ個國際性品牌。


Almost no item or brand from Taiwan's food industry is sold worldwide like those from Japan and South Korea. For decades, Taiwan, has however, built a reputable name for OEM or Cost Down manufacturing. Having been in the food and international trade business for over 35 years, I have always found this to be a shame and pity and hope for Taiwan to establish itself on a global scale with our passion and expertise for food. The Chinese has been a vegetarian friendly market for years given its sizable Buddhist community. However, while the Chinese have been making vegetarian foods for centuries, we have been shy from demonstrating and sharing our expertise with the world in plant based foods. A year ago, I came across an article in Business Weekly, introducing Beyond Meat, world's largest plant-based meat company and its one of a kind technology used in the development and manufacturing of their products. But beyond this exceptional breakthrough in the food industry, what really struck out to me was that the mastermind behind this food science breakthrough is actually a Taiwanese-American professor, Hsieh, Fu- Hung. Let it be Start-ups to International Conglomerates, every year millions of dollars continue to be invested in research and development and promotions for plant- based foods. What was once a fad or frenzy has now become a mainstream diet option and lifestyle today. Witnessing this substantial growth worldwide has thus sparked my curiosity to learn about the history and potential of Taiwan’s plant-based foods on its opportunities to grown worldwide. This study is based on qualitative analyses and interviews in the form of in-depth interviews 3 respondents from different Taiwan Foods companies discussed the strategic analysis of plant-based foods entering the U.S. market. The results of this study found that Taiwan's diversified R&D capabilities, small OEM and ODM production capacity combined with continuous automation improvement, coupled with the dedication of family companies (the second generation has been invested) are areas that Taiwan can lead with a competitive edge and be sure to establish a name for itself in the international and ever cutting plant-based foods market.


大成安心購(2022)。中廣主持人蘭萱專訪大成新創植物肉Neo foods。
