  • 學位論文


True Colors- Life Experiences and Career Calling of a Care Giver from Rural Areas: A Narrative Analysis

指導教授 : 田秀蘭


本研究旨在探討偏鄉非營利組織弱勢兒童課後照顧班中的照顧人員,其生命經驗及生涯召喚與課後照顧班之相互影響與轉化。本研究採質性研究敘事取向方法,藉由深度訪談一位東部非營利課後照顧機構創始成員,讓研究參與者的生命經驗與生涯召喚內涵能透過故事展現,同時以「整體—形式」與「整體—內容」兩種資料分析方式,呈現孩童照顧者之獨特的生命歷程與生涯召喚內涵。 研究發現,研究參與者之生命由幼年喪母的失落貫穿及驅動,其中的孤獨與焦慮更是主要軸線,心裡冒出的「然後呢?」引導他不斷尋找生命的意義與答案。失去母親,讓他開啟了一段覺醒與自我建構之旅。在中年明確收到來自神的生涯召喚前,生命主題為「在焦慮中尋找生命意義」;受到神的呼召後,生命主題則為「在課後照顧班裡整合療癒」,在課後照顧班轉化過往受苦經驗。 而其生涯召喚經驗以信仰為核心內涵,自回應召喚後,他視神為生命的導師及超越個人的大我力量,於此同時,他也將課後照顧班打造為自我療癒的基地,在此與靈性自我進一步相遇及整合,將原有悲傷孤獨小調的生命主題曲,轉變為輕快明亮進行曲,轉化歷程令人動容。 本研究除了透過敘說貼近偏鄉孩童照顧者的生命經驗與生涯召喚歷程,最後也依據研究結果對非營利實務工作者及未來研究方向提出相關建議。


The purpose of this study was to explore the interaction and transformation between life experience and career calling of caregivers in after-school care for disadvantaged children in rural non-profit organizations. As a qualitative research, this research adopted narrative-oriented approach. Through in-depth interviews with a founder of a non-profit after-school care organization in the east of the country, the life experience and the connotation of the life calling were displayed through the story. Meanwhile, this research adopted the “holistic-form” and “holistic-content” as data analysis methods to present the unique life experience and connotation of life calling of the child caregiver. The study found that the life of the caregiver was driven by the loss of his mother when he was young, which brought out the loneliness and anxiety as the main axes of his life. The loss of his mother set him on a journey of awakening and self-construction. Before receiving a clear calling from God in his middle age, the theme of his life was “Finding the Meaning of Life in Anxiety;” after called by God, the theme of life transferred to “Integration and Healing in After-School Care.” His suffering experiences were transformed into meaningful moments after his worked as an after-school caregiver. His life calling experience was based on beliefs. Since responding to the calling, he has regarded God as the mentor of life and the power that transcends the individual. He also built the after-school care class as a base for self-healing, where he integrated with his spiritual self and transformed the life theme from a song of sad and lonely minor into a brisk and bright march. The transformation process was moving. In addition to the life experience and career calling of child caregivers in rural areas, this study also provides suggestions for non-profit practitioners and future research directions based on the research results.


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