  • 學位論文


Research on the Effectiveness of Cross-boundary E-learning Effectiveness of Enterprise Employees

指導教授 : 黃能堂


全球在後疫情時代面臨數位經濟國際競爭與發展需求,跨域資訊科技能力數位學習系統現已成為台灣企業暨各國政府競相發展以培育跨域資訊科技能力相關人才的重要工具。因此,本研究旨在探究資訊素養、資訊科技涉入度、科技使用行為意圖這些影響因素間對於跨域資訊科技能力數位學習成效所具有的實質影響。 本研究針對共同使用政府已建構跨域資訊科技能力數位學習課程平台之參與企業所屬員工進行立意取樣問卷調查,確認影響企業成員個體跨域資訊科技能力數位學習成效之影響因素,理論推導以建構出本研究「企業員工跨域資訊科技能力數位學習系統數位學習成效評估模型」,並且以結構方程模式分析程序實證與分析跨域資訊科技能力數位學習成效相關影響因素及其效果與路徑關係。 本研究發現總結有五項結論:(一)已探究出資訊素養、資訊科技涉入度、科技使用行為意圖及其構面對於跨域資訊科技能力數位學習成效皆為重要影響因素和主要關鍵因素;(二)已建構出能有效評估企業員工數位學習成效之結構方程模式;(三)已實證分析與跨域資訊科技能力數位學習成效相關之影響因素及其效果且驗證各變項間所有路徑關係暨研究假設皆成立;(四)經由競爭模式分析成功已找出最佳評估模式。


Taiwan’s enterprises and organizations recognize the talent cultivation of cross-boundary IT competency is a significant research issue. Due to the apace and leapfrog growth of information communication technology, these enterprises and organizations had implemented cross-boundary IT competencies e-learning system as a major e-learning platform and transfer tool of knowledge, skill and abilities to enhance their working employees’ competence and increase enterprise competitiveness. The research purpose was to identify these affecting factors that influenced the e-learning effectiveness of organizational members in the process of importing cross-boundary IT competencies e-learning system into Taiwan’s enterprises and organizations, and to assess and determine how the factors affect their e-learning effectiveness and all existing related influential effects, including direct, indirect and mediation effect. The research constructed and developed an evaluation model (structural equation modeling [SEM]) of e-learning effectiveness of cross-boundary IT competencies e-learning system for Taiwan’s enterprises and organizations, also implemented pre-test and formal questionnaire survey. Consecutive statistical data analysis and follow-up processes included and operated inside SPSS and SPSS Amos. This study used the purposive sampling questionnaire survey method to conduct follow-up sampling surveys on the employees of cooperative enterprises who have used the e-learning courses system platform of cross-boundary IT competency as the sampling population of this study, so as to facilitate the distribution and collection of questionnaires and subsequent data processing to complete confirmatory analysis and structural equation model analysis and other empirical analysis procedures. The test results of the fit measurement index of the measurement model in this study show that all the variable constructs are in line with reasonable values and have a reasonable fit, which shows that the fit of each construct in this study is within the range of good and reasonable model fit; in this study, the fit of the overall SEM model can also be judged as a reasonable range of model fit; this study followed the research results obtained from the SEM empirical analysis and implements the research hypothesis testing procedure. The path analysis of the SEM model of this study and all research hypotheses are valid, that is, information literacy has a significant positive impact on the effectiveness of digital learning across domains of information technology capabilities; information literacy has a significant positive impact on behavior intention to use technology; information literacy has a significant positive impact on the impact of behavior intention to use technology, information technology involvement can exert a significant positive moderating effect (that is, the interaction effect of the adjustment variable itself reaches a positive significance, so it shows that the information technology involvement degree is between information literacy and behavior intention to use technology It has a positive and significant moderating effect); behavior intention to use technology has a significant positive impact on the e-learning effectiveness of cross-boundary IT competency e-learning.


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