  • 學位論文


The Scale of Integrative Activities Domain Instructional Design Competency for Junior High School Teachers

指導教授 : 張雨霖


本研究目的為發展國中綜合活動領域素養導向課程設計知能量表,並探討背景變項對其之影響。研究分為兩部分,研究一首先進行試題編製,接著進行預試量表的項目分析,研究參與者為154位綜合活動領域在職教師及職前教師;正式施策再抽取345位在職教師與職前教師研究樣本,進行IRT單參數Rasch模型分析,完成國中綜合活動領域素養導向課程設計知能量表編製。研究二則分析不同教學階段、職前素養導向相關課程經驗、年資、研習時數及教學輔導經驗之國中綜合活動領域教師於綜合活動領域素養導向課程設計知能之差異。 本研究結果如下:第一,本研究編製之「國中綜合活動領域素養導向課程設計知能量表」兼顧信、效度。本量表之試題分隔信度為 .99,受試者分隔信度為 .53,而Cronbach’s α信度係數為 .62,且具有良好的內容效度及區辨效度。第二,國中綜合活動領域教師是否修習素養導向相關課程與教職階段對量表得分有交互作用。其中修過課之職前教師得分最高,其次為修過課之在職教師,再其次為未修過課之在職教師,最後為未修過課之職前教師。第三,年資兩年(含)以下之在職教師在量表得分顯著高於年資三年到十九年及年資二十年(含)以上之在職教師。第四,參與不同相關研習時數之在職教師在量表得分無顯著差異。第五,不同教學輔導經驗之在職教師在量表得分無顯著差異。 本研究依據研究結果針對國中綜合活動領域素養導向課程設計知能量表評量工具之發展,以及在職與職前師資培訓實務工作提出建議。


The purpose of this study was to develop the scale of integrative activities domain instructional design competency for junior high school teachers and to investigate different background variables. This study was divided into two parts. Study 1 first conducted the test question development and item analysis of the pretest scale with 154 in-service and pre-service teachers in the integrated activity area as the study participants. A sample of 345 in-service and pre-service teachers was selected for the formal scale, and the IRT single-parameter Rasch model analysis was conducted to complete the scale of integrative activities domain instructional design competency for junior high school teacher. In study 2, we analyzed the differences in the integrative activities domain instructional design competency among teachers of different teaching stages, pre-service literacy-oriented curriculum experience, years of experience, study experience, and teaching and counseling experience in the integrated activity area. The conclusions of this study were as follows: Firstly, the scale of Integrative Activities Domain Instructional Design Competency has the value of reference owning to a good reliability and validity. The item separation reliability of this scale is .99, the person separation reliability of this scale is .53, and the Cronbach’s α reliability coefficient of this scale is .62. Also, it has good content validity and discriminant validity. Secondly, the pre-service exposure to literacy-related curriculum and the teaching stage of the teachers had an interactive effect on the score of integrative activities domain curriculum design test. Pre-service teachers who had taken the course scored the highest, followed by in-service teachers who had taken the course, followed by in-service teachers who had not taken the course, and finally by pre-service teachers who had not taken the course. Thirdly, in-service teachers with less than two years of experience scored significantly higher than in-service teachers with three to nineteen years of experience and above twenty years of experience. Forthly, there was no significant difference between the scores of in-service teachers with different number of hours of teacher training workshops. Fifthly, there was no significant difference between the scores of in-service teachers with different guidance group experiences. Based on the results of this study, we propose recommendations for the development of the scale of integrative activities domain instructional design competency assessment tool for junior high schools and for the practical work of in-service and pre-service teacher training.


