  • 學位論文


The Founding, Functions and Operations of the Taiwan Garrison Command, 1958-1992

指導教授 : 邱榮裕


「台灣警備總部」與「台灣軍管區司令部」為戰後台灣的軍事機關,前者在 1958 年成立之時,是以「台灣省保安司令部」為基礎,整併「台灣省民防司令部」、「台北衛戍總司令部」兩單位,並承接「台灣防衛總司令部」的戒嚴任務,重新組成的新軍事機構,以「安定後方、支援前線」為目標,擔負起台灣治安與國家安全的重責。「台灣警備總部」的業務十分駁雜,但主要為台灣的警備作戰、衛戍戒嚴的施行、治安的維護、危安的防制、海岸與山地的警備、民防之組訓、港口機場及海關安檢、人民出入境審查、民人軍法審判、遊民流氓感訓、管訓及特殊的情治工作,包含電訊偵查、郵件檢查、文化檢審、政治異議份子的偵辦、政治犯的服刑與感化等等,雖說有違反人權之種種「不正義」的嚴厲批評,但站在國民黨執政者的立場,尤其經過1949年大陸的戰敗,維持台灣政經社會的安定、欲保政權永續、長久執政之意圖來看,這些都是國家機器為「防患於未然,弭禍於無形」的必要作為。在整個國家統治的機器中,警備總部的身分是多元的,它除了是籌畫者,更擔負居中協調的腳色:上承國安局指示、統籌策畫後,辦事要報請國防部核准,繼交由警察、憲兵、調查局、甚至軍隊去執行,於是它又成為協調者,做指揮督導的工作。 「台灣軍管區司令部」在 1964 年成立並成為警備總部「二合一」的機構,原本警備總部便是利用師、團管區來遂行地方的警備治安、與戒嚴任務,成立軍管區,只是將其更有效的統合。軍管區主要負責後備軍人的管理、教召等動員任務,以及後備軍人的教育、組訓與服務。 本研究主要探討「台灣警備總部」的歷史,主要是希望從主政者的視角來切入分析,而非「轉型正義」式的純批判論述,同時也不涉及「白色恐怖」政治案件的個案討論(因此若想看批判警總歷史秘辛者,可能要失望了)。 論文從題名而論概分三個部分,首先是警備總部籌劃建力的經過、其次是討論警總的各種組織與功能、其三是分析它在 34 年歷史中運作的過程。論文內容共分成六章,其架構,除首章〈緒論〉與尾章〈結論〉外,依順序可分成兩個部份說明: 第一個部份是討論何為警總?及探討台灣警備總部成立的原因、過程、與秘辛。此即第貳、參章。 第二個部份是討論警備總部的組織、業務與功能,並探討 34 年歷史中,不同時期的改變的原因與肆應的方式。此為第肆章 第三部分則是議題式的進一步討論,藉前文初步探討相關史事後,試圖再深入研究值得探討的議題,主要在反思警備總部的法源、性質、軍法、在政府中的腳色等課題,或不如坊間之傳聞,而是有斟酌討論的空間;討論警總特殊的人事問題現象、及對警總扶植後備軍人組織維持治安、但卻介入選舉形成地方派系的現象提出看法。 大致上本篇研究為首篇就「台灣警備總部」所撰寫的學術論文,相信對於瞭解該部的歷史、沿革、任務、與組織有所助益、並對坊間「轉型正義」式的報導內容,提供不同的切入視角,有著糾正釐清之效。


The Taiwan Garrison Command and the Taiwan Military Command were both post-war Taiwan military agencies. When the former was established in 1958, it was based on the Taiwan Provincial Security Command and merged with the Taiwan Civil Defense Command and the Taipei Garrison Command. Taiwan Garrison Command assumed missions of the Martial Law of the Taiwan Defense Command to assure the stableness of the rear and supporting the front line with the responsibilities for public and national security. The duties of the Taiwan Garrison Command were diverse. Taiwan Garrison Command was mainly in charge of Taiwan's security operations, implementation of martial law, maintenance of public security, prevention of hazards, security control of the coasts and mountains, organizing and training for civil defense, inspection of ports, airports and customs, vagrant controls, special intelligence jobs including telecommunication investigation, mail inspection, cultural inspection, suppressing dissidents, providing military court trials and convicting political prisoners sentences and probations, etc. Although there were severe criticisms of injustices that violated human rights, from the KMT's perspective, especially after the devastating failure in China in 1949, these were the state machinery's necessary and fundamental measures to take preventive action to eliminate riots, to maintain political, economic and social stability, and to keep the regime in power and sustainable. In the entire national governance mechanism, the Taiwan Garrison Command had multiple roles. It acted as a central and coordinating role: received the orders from the National Security Bureau and prepared overall plans, reported to the Ministry of National Defense for (sometimes ostensible) approval, handing over executions to the police, the gendarmerie, the Investigation Bureau, and even the Army. Thus it was a coordinator as well as an agency commanding and supervising the overall security operations. The Taiwan Military Command was established in 1964 and became a "two-in-one" organization of the Taiwan Garrison Command. Originally, Taiwan Garrison Command used military division areas and regiment areas to conduct local security and reinforce martial law, then created military areas for more efficient integration and maneuverability. The military areas were mainly responsible for the management of mobilization, and education and training for reservists. This dissertation discusses the history and development of Taiwan Garrison Command and analyzes the whole process from the KMT’s perspective, rather than a critical discourse of transitional justice. Thus it does not involve individual "white terror" political case discussion. According to the main theme of this dissertation, it depicts the Taiwan Garrison Command into three parts. The first part is the planning process, the second part the discussion of the various sub-organizations and functions, and the third part the analysis of its operations in its 34-year history. As to the contents, there are seven chapters. In addition to the first chapter "Introduction" and the last chapter "Conclusion", the main body can be divided into two parts: the first part discusses what the Taiwan Garrison Command is, and explicates the reasons, process, and confidentiality of the establishment, which are the second and third chapters. The second part discusses the organization, businesses, and functions of the Taiwan Garrison Command, and explores the reasons and ways of changing and adaptation in different periods in the 34-year history, which are the fourth and fifth chapter. The third part is a further discussion for certain topics in depth. It tries to reflect that the source of law, nature, military law, and the role of Taiwan Garrison Command in the government. It may not be the anecdotes as expected; however, there is a room to deliberate: the personnel issues, the using of the reservist organization to aid to maintain order, and the intervening in local factional elections. Generally speaking, this dissertation is one of a few academic papers written for Taiwan Garrison Command system. It would be useful to understand its history, evolution, functions, organization and problems. It would also be helpful to clarify the outstanding issues of transitional justice from a different angle of view.


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2. 王華燕,《王潔/王章清昆仲回憶錄》。台北:中央研究院近代史研究所,2018。
3. 王桑,《軍權鬥爭:臺灣化 v.s. 國家化》。台北:雍尚國際,1994。
4. 衣復恩,《我的回憶》。台北:立青文教基金會,2005。
