  • 學位論文


A Comparative Study of the Marketing Mix of Taiwan Label Marathon

指導教授 : 鄭志富




馬拉松 行銷組合4P


According to the statistics of Sports Administration, 34% of the population exercised regularly in 2022, and 16.9% reported jogging as their preferred exercise. The Taipei and New Taipei City Wanjinshi Marathons are both important events for Taiwanese sports enthusiasts. This study aims to compare the marketing strategies used by the two events, with a focus on the four elements of the marketing mix: product, price, place, and promotion. The study employed qualitative interviews with organizers and marketing teams from both events to analyze their business aspects and marketing approaches. The study found that the Taipei Marathon emphasizes the city's unique characteristics, a variety of sponsors, and diverse post-race activities, while the New Taipei City Wanjinshi Marathon places a greater emphasis on safety and providing participants with a high-quality competitive experience. In terms of pricing, the Taipei Marathon has a higher registration fee compared to the Wanjinshi Marathon, which is relatively cheaper. Both events provide event information through multiple channels, with the New Taipei City Wanjinshi Marathon also offering a unique sign-up option for the visually impaired. Finally, both events focus on social media promotion, providing diverse and rich event information for public reference and to attract participants. In future academic research, quantitative research methods could be used to verify these qualitative research findings, or big data could be analyzed, such as social media and event registration data, to gain a more objective and comprehensive understanding of marketing results.


marathon marketing mix 4P


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