  • 學位論文


The Latent Effects of Employee's ESG Perception on Employer Brand and Employee's Behavior— A Case Study of China Airlines

指導教授 : 周德瑋


自2004年起,聯合國提出環境(Environment)、社會(Social)及公司治理(Governance)之概念,說明ESG因子將影響企業未來發展,企業與投資人紛紛將之視為評分標準,ESG現已成為評估企業永續經營及風險管理能力之重要指標。然而,在台灣,相關研究多聚焦於組織層面—如財務績效、外部行銷與投資價值;另有部分以個人層面角度—顧客/消費者,探討其所帶來的外部效益。對於企業組織內部實際推展相關業務的員工認知及感受,與其能帶來的內部效益,卻無給予足夠關注。 本研究以中華航空公司台灣地區之現職員工(須任職一年以上)為研究對象,以Salancik & Preffer (1978)所發展出的「社會訊息處理模式流程(Social Information Processing Theory)」為基礎,探究個案公司之員工對於企業永續治理感知程度是否影響雇主品牌與員工行為。 本研究發放網路問卷回收314份,刪除無效問卷26份,共計回收有效問卷288份。研究結果顯示,無輪班、工作職等與工作年資越高之員工對企業永續治理作為感知程度越大,對雇主品牌認同度越高,並更能自發性地產生角色外行為,主動將品牌推廣至外部;據此,企業永續治理感知程度可視為提升雇主品牌與員工行為的因素之一。如何吸引有輪班、工作職等與工作年資較低之員工投入企業ESG倡議,將是個案公司未來可持續探討之議題。


Since the importance of Environment, Social and Governance was first introduced by United Nations in 2004, the ESG indicators becomes an important role in the evaluation of a corporation. The main focus of previous studies in Taiwan are organization-centric, such as discussion on its financial benefits, external marketing and investment value. Despite the fact that there are a few researches focus on person-centric—customers/consumers, the effects of employees’ association with ESG are less discussed issues pertinent to this field. The sample of the study is based on the China Airlines employees (more than one year employment) in Taiwan. With theoretical perspective on Salancik & Preffer’s (1978) Social Information Processing Theory, this study aims to explore the relationship among employees’ organizational ESG perception, employer brand and employees’ behaviors. In this study, a total of 314 questionnaires were returned. Respondent with incomplete answers or invalid questionnaires were excluded. There were 288 valid questionnaires. The results present that the non-shift, higher working rank and longer seniority employees is more likely to participate in organizational ESG initiatives, and at the same time, with positive employer brand recognition and more out-role behaviors. It implies that employees’ organizational ESG perception has an influence on employer brand recognition and employees’ behaviors. It may leads to self-generate out-role behaviors, and in turn, convey brand values to customers (or other targets). According to this empirical study, organizational ESG may be seen as a reinforcement of employer brand and employees’ behaviors. How to intrigue working on shift, lower working rank and shorter seniority employees’ engagement in organizational ESG initiatives is China Airlines’ further consideration.


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