  • 學位論文

便利商店贈品促銷對國中生消費行為影響之研究 :以桃園縣光明國中為例

The Impact of Premium-based Promotion in Convenience Store on Consumer Behavior:A Case Study of Guang-Ming Junior High School in Taoyuan City

指導教授 : 賴勇成


便利商店在台灣隨處可見,已成為人們日常生活中不可或缺的一部分了,跟我們的生活息息相關。為求便利,每個人多少都有去便利商店消費的經驗,然而便利商店的物品單價較一般量販店高,因此為了促銷常常推出集點換購活動來吸引消費者。本研究將探討較無經濟能力的國中生是否也會受便利商店的贈品促銷活動的影響而改變消費習慣。 國中生較不具理財觀念,消費行為易受同儕團體與外界刺激所影響,因此本研究的主要目的為探討便利商店的滿額集點活動對國中生的消費行為之影響。 本研究採問卷調查方式,共發出282份問卷,有效問卷276份,以桃園縣光明國中學生為研究樣本。利用統計的敘述性統計分析、變異數分析、迴歸分析等針對認同集點換購活動、因促銷活動而選擇到特定便利商店消費、同儕影響這三個變相進行分析。經由問卷分析得到下列結果:學生容易受到同儕,及喜愛的贈品的影響,而增加消費行為。本研究針對以上之研究結果與發現進一步探討其管理意涵,以供業者在推出新贈品時加以參考。


Convenience stores everywhere in Taiwan have become an indispensable part in the daily life and have something to do with our lives. For the sake of convenience, each person has more or less consumption experience at a convenience store; yet the average unit price of an item at convenience stores is higher than that at discount stores; therefore, giveaways promotional activities, such as bonus points collection, are frequently held in order to attract consumers. The study will examine junior high school students with no economic capacity whether they will also be affected by convenience stores’ giveaways promotional activities to change their consumer habits. Junior high school students have very few financial concepts, and their consumer behaviors are easily influenced by peer groups and external stimuli, and therefore, the main purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of junior high school students’ consumer behaviors caused by convenience stores’ giveaways promotional activities. This study adopted the questionnaire survey of Taoyuan City Guang Ming Junior High School students as samples.282 copies of the questionnaire were collected, and the effective ones were 276. Use descriptive statistics, analysis of variance and regression analysis for their recognition of bonus points collection activities, due to promotional activities and the choice of their consumption at specific convenience stores, and by the impact of peer influence. Analyze the five above-mentioned variants. The following results are obtained via the questionnaire analysis: the students affected easily by peer groups and by their love for giveaways increase consumer behaviors. In this study, the above results and findings of the study are to further investigate the management implications as a reference for the industry in the launch of new giveaways.


