  • 學位論文


Study on the LED applications for plant factory

指導教授 : 王信福
共同指導教授 : 洪榮木(Rong-Moo Hong) 王信福


近幾年植物工廠(Plant Factory)的興起帶動台灣精緻農業發展,而植物生長所需要的照明來源逐漸以人工光源來取代。眾多人工光源中,LED發光二極體(Light Emitting Diode )具有小體積與低消耗功率等等的特性,並藉由螢光粉比例調配出所需要的色溫,並且利用電流控制改變LED發光強度。目前高亮度發光二極體已被廣泛應用於植物工廠的人工光源照明系統,作為植物生長培育照明用途,因此發光二極體應用與光電轉換效率比起傳統光源具有更多的優勢。 近年來,對於發光二極體應用於植物生長培育的研究逐年地增加,不論在美國、日本、台灣、中國等國家,對於發光二極體應用於植物環境照明已成功證實發光二極體可提供植物培育所需的光源,包括有蝴蝶蘭、東方百合、萵苣、白菜、草莓、小麥等作物,對於發光二極體相關燈具模組、環境控制設備等專利產品已陸續開發出來與上市販售。 目前在植物工廠所研究方面,多著重於波長與光強度對於植物之影響,本論文將探討以光學設計來改善光源照射方式,利用植物生長特性開發出新型態的植物光源。本研究採用高等系統分析程式(Advanced System Analysis Program ‚ ASAP)應用於光學系統與光源設計的模擬分析軟體,採用此軟體所研發設計出的光源來改良植物生長培育照明系統。 本研究採用白光、紅光、藍光等三種不同波長光源混合燈源,使用菲涅爾透鏡(Fresnel Lens)讓光源以平行光照射在植物,此改良的光源比傳統燈管省電,透過ASAP程式分析改良光型並分析出LED以及菲涅爾透鏡上改良的光源,做光強度與均勻度等分析,以優化光學模型使植物工廠光源能更環保。


In recent years, the rise of the plant factory has promoted the agricultural development in Taiwan. Besides, the illuminant light source of the plant has been gradually replaced by an artificial light source. Because LED is with the advantages such as a small size and low power consumption over the traditional light source, it has been widely used as the artificial light source of the plant factory in the United State of American, Japan, Taiwan, and other countries. In fact, it has been successfully demonstrated that LED provides the necessary light of the growth of the plants, e.g., butterfly orchids, oriental lilies, lettuces, cabbages, strawberries, etc. In the past few decades, there has been attracted much attention on the light source of the plant factory. Among the articles, the researchers almost focused on the effect of light source on the plant growth in wavelength and light intensity. In the thesis, a new method based on optical design is used to improve the lighting way of the plant factory by way of the software named as Advanced System Analysis Program (ASAP). In this research, the parallel light is used as the light source by combining the mining color light, which is formed by using white, red, and blue LEDs, and Fresnel Lens. However, the improved light source is with the merits of power saving compared to the traditional light source. In addition, the light intensity and uniformity can be analyzed by ASAP. Of course, the optimization of the optical model can be also obtained by the improved method. And its feasibility is demonstrated.


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(2)T. Yanagi, K. Okamoto, S. Takita,“Effects of blue, red, and blue/red light of two different PPF
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