  • 學位論文


The Action Research on Using Peer Mentoring to Promote Mathematics Learning Motivation and Learning Outcomes of Junior High School Students

指導教授 : 吳克教授


一般教學方式多採用講述法教學,但單向式教學容易造成學習興趣低落,及學習成效不佳,因此行動研究方法應時而起,以改善學生的學習狀況,以提升學生的動機和學習的成效。 本研究欲透過「同儕師徒制」的教學方案,了解參與者在數學的學習動機及學習成效上的改變。 本研究屬質量合併方式,以質性資料為主、量化資料為輔進行研究。針對八年級的一個班,常態編班學生,分14對師徒配對的方式為對象,持續三個多月、歷經兩次段考階段的教學研究。研究者歸納分析有以下幾點: 一、尊重師傅生與徒弟生的配對意願,是影響同儕師徒制能順利進行的首要條件。 二、同儕師徒制可以提升學生對數學學習動機量表中的「主動學習策略」、「數學學習價值」、「表現目標」、「成就目標」、「學習環境誘因」此五向度,但在「自我效能」向度上,對師傅生而言沒有提升反而有微幅下降之情形。 三、實施同儕師徒制後,對學生的數學學習成就是可以提升的,且師傅生與徒弟生對此教學方式給予正向的肯定。希望未來老師在數學課都能使用同儕師徒制的教學模式來進行教學。


Traditional teaching uses didactic instructions and lectures. However, it is found such one-way teaching tends to decrease the motivation of students, and the resulting learning is poor. Under such context, action research is instead used, in order to improve students' learning by increasing their motivation and effectiveness of learning. The purpose of this research is to explore the impacts of "peer mentoring" on the motivation and results of mathematics-learning of students. This research uses both qualitative and quantitative approaches, with the former complemented by the latter. The students of a class in Year 8 in normal class grouping system participate this research. The participants are grouped to 14 pairs of teacher-to-student, and observation and assessment on their interactions are conducted for over 3 months during which they are subject to 2 periodic tests normally conducted by the school. The findings of this research are summarized as follows: 1. For the peer mentoring to be successful, the two participants in a pair of teacher-to-student must accept the matching arrangement, and such acceptance is the most important prerequisite for the success of peer mentoring between them. 2. Peer mentoring can improve students' mathematics learning motivation as it is so reflected by the "Active Learning Strategies", "Mathematics Learning Value", "Performance", "Goal Achievement", and "Learning Environment Incentive" in the scale used by this research. However, the participants in the role of teacher in the matching arrangement show slight decrease in the "self-efficacy" dimension. 3. Peer mentoring improves mathematics-learning of the participants. Both participants in the teacher-to-student matching arrangement affirm the effectiveness of peer mentoring. It is recommended the peer mentoring is widely used by mathematics teachers in their class.


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