  • 學位論文


Establishment of Pipeline Data Using Photogrammetric Techniques

指導教授 : 張嘉強
共同指導教授 : 黎驥文




Since 1992, the construction of public pipeline database has been promoted by our government. The current construction work is divided into road facility surveying and pipeline map drawing. The latter work is based on the results of the previous surveying work, and referred to the on-site roads or obvious features for digital mapping. This study has two goals, following with the pipeline database construction work. Firstly, it is to study the use of the UAV modeling to realize the effectiveness of the road facility localization. Secondly, it is to study the use of the close-range photogrammetry to solve for the buried pipeline image and explore the feasibility of its operating procedures. It was found that the UAV modeling application can not perfectly measure the facility by 13%, and the accuracy in height is still not guaranteed. Moreover, when photogrammetrically constructing a 3D model of the buried pipeline, it is possible to obtain sufficient data for calculation within 10 minutes, the non-professionals can be operated in a default operation mode, and the error of the length measurement is less than ±10% with a scale constrain.


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