  • 學位論文


Planning and Design of a Library Internal Management System - The Case Study of a Library

指導教授 : 陳皆成


哈佛大學校長Charles William Eilot的名言:「圖書館是大學的心臟」,反映了圖書館在大學的重要地位,然而將文件數位化一直都是個熱門的議題,雖然現在已經是數位化的時代,但在企業環境中還是有非常多的單據、估價單等紙本文件,隨著業務的成長,企業內部會有越來越多的紙本文件,一旦有需要任何調閱上的需求,常會花非常多的時間去調閱,在過去,不管是國內或國外的圖書館管理系統,都是以程式設計者的觀點開發功能及介面,在當時可用性並沒有像現在這麼的廣泛運用和重視,所以沒有兼具可用性,造成使用者在使用後,因系統可用性不佳而降低使用意願或不使用開發完的系統,若開發完的系統使用者不願意去使用的話,那就表示開發系統中所耗費的金錢、時間、人力都無法得到回報,一切都等於零。 本研究採用需求誘導技術,包括:查閱文件、訪談、問卷等方式以瞭解圖書館管理系統的軟體系統需求,在第一階段使用紙上原型法,讓使用者操作之後的建議作為一開始開發系統的依據,第二階段使用UML(Unified Modeling Language)物件導向分析與設計技術,進行軟體系統規劃與設計,並使用啟發式評估並實際進行系統驗證與評估的可用性,發展一套可用性的軟體系統雛型提供給內部人員使用。


Due to the rapid development of Internet technology, Harvard President Charles William Eilot said: "Libraries are the heart of a university," reflecting the importance of libraries in universities. The library's electronic resources are now getting richer and more diverse. With the popularity of smartphones and the development of mobile communications, how to digitize documentation files has always been a hot topic. Although it is now a digital era, there are still many paper documents in the business environment, such as valuation forms, contracts, checks, faxes and so on. As the business grows, there will be many paper documents within the enterprise that ned and saved. These paper documents, occupy a huge space. Once there is a need for any retrieval, it often takes a lot of time to look for it, resulting in inefficiencies. If you can digitize all these paper documents, and take it into management and preservation, you can make faster retrieval. In the past, many libraries developed their own library management system. Most of the computer as a carrier, its usability did not received attention as well. The previous systems were based on the designer's point of view to design functions and interfaces, that were often lack of usability. Resulting in the system can be poorly used and reducing the user's willingness to use. Therefore, this study uses requirements exploration technology and UML (Unified Modeling Language) to develop a prototype of the library's internal management system. Then use heuristic evaluation techniques to evaluae system usability.


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