  • 學位論文


The Analysis on The Impacting Factors of Family Healthcare Expenditure-An Empirical Study of Six Municipalities in Taiwan

指導教授 : 林幸樺


本研究主要目的在探討影響家庭醫療保健支出的相關因素。樣本資料來源為行政院主計總處「2017年家庭收支調查」中六都的問卷調查資料,共取得11,698筆資料作為分析,觀察家庭收支、戶長特性及戶內人口性質等影響醫療保健支出的關係。研究結果如下: 1. 戶長教育程度是否為大專院校以上,對於家庭醫療保健支出、菸酒檳榔支出、家 庭可支配所得有顯著差異。 2. 六都不同居住地,家庭醫療保健支出有顯著差異。平均支出最多者為台北市、最低者為新北市。而六都家庭菸酒檳榔支出、家庭可支配所得皆有顯著差異。 3. 利用複迴歸分析得到,家庭戶長教育程度為大專院校者、人均住宅坪數與家庭醫療保健支出呈現顯著負相關。 4. 菸酒檳榔支出與家庭醫療保健支出呈現負相關,但不明顯。 5. 家庭可支配所得、家中女性人口數、65歲以上人口數及6歲以下人口數,與家庭醫療保健支出皆呈現顯著正相關。


The empirical data used “2017 Survey of Family Income and Expenditure” and six municipalities were selected for sampling. This study is aimed to test the relationship between family income, expenditure and household characteristics. The results summarized as follow: 1. The educational level of the head of the household above colleges or not, were related to family healthcare expenditures, expenses of tobacco, alcohol and betel nut, and household disposal income. 2. Living in different municipalities, have significant difference between family healthcare expenditures. Taipei had the highest average family healthcare expenditures, while New Taipei city had the lowest. 3. According to OLS analysis, the educational level of the head of the household above colleges, and per capita residential flats were significant negative related to family healthcare expenditures. 4. Expenses of tobacco, alcohol and betel nut were negative related to family healthcare expenditures. 5. The household disposal income, and the population of female, over 65 years old, under 6 years of age were significant positively related to family healthcare expenditures.


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(2) 中國社科院,魏後凱,「中國城鎮化質量綜合評價報告 」,第31期,2013年。
(3) 中國社科院近代史所等,孫中山全集,中華書局,民國70年。
(4) 中華民國內政部統計處。我國生命表 。https://www.moi.gov.tw/stat/。
(5) 王慧齡,「台灣地區民眾高門診就醫族群家庭特性的研究」,國立暨南國際大學,碩士論文,民國98年。
