  • 學位論文

新產品開發運用專案管理之研究 -以中小企業P公司個案為例

A Study on Project Management in New Product Development : A Case Study of Company P

指導教授 : 沈群英


在全球機械產業發展的潮流以知識創新、技術創新,以及服務體驗為主的經濟模式,在此經濟結構的轉變,台灣的機械產業必須面對新世代的來臨及挑戰,產品開發水準的高低,是企業興衰存亡的關鍵。系統化的專案管理已成為世界的潮流,本研究主要在探討中小型機械產業面對產業技術快速變遷時,運用專案管理控制新產品開發品質提升公司競爭力。 本研究透過個案探討以剖析美國專案管理學會所發展之專案管理知識體系九大知識領域及五大流程,探討P公司新產品開發管理作業,分析與整理新產品開發作業相關活動及產品開發管理作業所遭遇的問題,然後利用專案管理的知識、技術、工具及方法,整合管理的概念及資訊、技術,建立一個新產品開發系統,提供新產品開發團隊參考,控制新產品開發品質、進度、成本及相關開發技術文件管理,期能對中小型機械產業產品開發管理有所幫助。 未來新產品開發將面臨德國聯邦政府提出「工業4.0」,建構「智慧工廠」的新世代產業技術挑戰,希望中小企業透過新產品開發專案管理體系,並依據本身組織人力編制、內部及外在環境因素下,透過系統化專案管理,建立新產品開發專案管理。


In this economic structure changes, Taiwan's machinery industry must face the coming of new generation and challenges. So the new products development is the foundation of the enterprise to survive and expand in the future. Systematic project management has become trend of the world. This study is mainly to explore the small and medium-sized machinery industry in the face of rapid changes in industrial technology using project management to control the quality of new product development to enhance the competitiveness of the company. The trends are knowledge innovation, technological innovation, and service experience-based of economic model in the global machinery industry. This research employs nine knowledge areas and five major processes of the project management knowledge system developed by the American Project Management Institute through case studies exploring the new product development management. Analyzing and collating all new product development operations related activities and encountered problems. Then use the knowledge, technology, tools and methods of project management to integrate management concepts and information, technology to establish a new product development system. It provides the system for new product development team references to control the quality of new product development, progress, cost and related development of technical document management. It will assist the small and medium-sized machinery industry to solve the problem of document management in product development management. Future development of new product will face the impacts of Industrial 4.0 proposed by German federal government to construct the new generation of Smart Manufacturing of industrial technology. The small and medium enterprises can based on their internal and external environmental resources to establish a new product development system by using project management.


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