  • 學位論文

自創品牌公司之國際市場進入策略 -巨大公司個案研究

International Market Entry Strategies of OBM Enterprise – A Case Study of Giant Company

指導教授 : 吳克


全球環保意識抬頭,身為綠色產業的自行車業愈來愈受到重視。隨著自行車文化在全球的普及,自行車不再只有傳統的通勤代步功能,更增添了運動休閒的附加價值。而台灣的自行車業者,掙脫了代工的桎梏,以自創品牌的方式,不斷在產品品質和技術上做提升,成功的將台灣自行車品牌行銷到國際市場。 本研究在探討台灣的自行車產業龍頭巨大公司如何在代工的基礎下成功轉型,並以自創品牌GIANT成功進入國際市場,奠定台灣品牌在國際上的地位。本論文是藉由深度訪談及次級資料整理,探討巨大公司在進入不同的國際市場時所採取的進入策略。研究中發現巨大公司為因應在地特色,進入當地設廠,以貼近市場流行趨勢與消費者喜好;並針對不同的目標客群,調整產品線延伸,以滿足顧客運動、休閒與通勤代步的需求。因為堅持品質保證的原則,讓GIANT在國際市場上嶄露頭角,成為全球自行車領導品牌之一。 如何從前人的做法去汲取經驗及教訓,最後讓自己的品牌成功進入國際市場,是每個企業在進行全球化佈局時所須謹慎思考的。而台灣自行車產業龍頭GIANT的寶貴經驗,對有意自創品牌並進入國際市場之企業,應可稱得上是極佳的借鏡。


Owing to the global environmental awareness, as one of the green industry members - Bicycle industry is getting more and more attention all over the world. With the popularity of bicycle riding culture in the world, bicycle is no longer a traditional commuter travel tool; it is adding more value-added sports and leisure in its culture and function. In the meantime, Taiwan's bicycle industry players are breaking their shackles of long term OEM roles by creating their own brands, and by constantly promoting in the product quality and technology to enhance the success of the Taiwanese bicycle brands to the international markets. In this study, it is devoted to explore how the Taiwanese bicycle industry leader in the successful transformation of the company under the OEM basis to create its own brand –GIANT- successfully and entered the international market. It helps to establish the Taiwanese brand position in the international arena firmly. This thesis is done by in-depth interviews and secondary data compilation to explore the different entry strategies in different international markets which Giant Company adopted. In this study, it found that Giant is using a flexible marketing strategy to cope with the differential market features with differential products for its targeting group of customers. It is building adjustment product lines extension strategies in its promoting process. Owing to the insistence on the principle of quality assurance, GIANT emerged on the international market stage and became one of the world's leading bicycle brands steadily. The way for how to approach people to learn from the past experiences and lessons of others, and finally make their own brands successfully enter the international market is a serious subject and thinking for any enterprises who are under the way to its globalization process. The experience of Taiwanese bicycle industry leading brand - GIANT, is a valuable lesson for any enterprise who is creating its own brand and intending to enter the international market. It should be regarded as an excellent learning.


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