  • 學位論文


Taiwan Tour guide management system – a study form the perspective of examination, training, employment, and exit strategy

指導教授 : 彭開琼
共同指導教授 : 張佳雯(Chia-Wen Chang)


2015年12月來臺觀光旅客人數突破千萬人次,導致旅遊市場快速變化。在臺灣將推展邁向「觀光大國」的前提下,導遊人員的養成教育環節是一個值得探討的研究議題。 本研究探討導遊人員之法規研究與現行制度及未來展望。藉由訪談,蒐集導遊選(考選)、訓(訓練)、聘(聘用)、續(續任)等之相關管理制度,提出五點建議,供政府觀光施政與制訂相關法規之參考。 1.現行法規觀光政策實施方向,建議「發展觀光條例」,提升為「旅遊法」,比較符合觀光產業之發展。現行實施「導遊人員管理規則」,修訂成「導遊人員法」作為執業管理法規,以符合專技人員考試。 2.執業制度之考選與訓練方面,限制考試資格,將相關從業經驗或相關科系納入考試資格規定。為提升導遊專業技能,制定年度性專業在職訓練,並利用線上自主學習機制建立訓練資料及考核機制。 3.執業制度之聘用方面,明訂旅行社與導遊人員之間,對應的工作身分關係,確保責任劃分與工作身分確立。 4.執業制度之續任方面,藉由公證單位資訊平台,設計電子化派遣制度,增加就業媒合機會。規劃導遊人員終身學習機制,擬定教育訓練、精進課程與換證考核制度,並進行專業性鑑定工作,建立續任評量標準。 5.制定專業分級標準,確保對旅遊的服務品質以及提升導遊社會形象。


法規制度 導遊 考選 訓練 聘用 續任 分級標準


By the end of the 2015, there were more than 10 million tourists came to Taiwan each year and had rapidly changed the tourism industry. In order to become an ideal tourist destination, it is a rich topic to research about the training and education of licensed tour guides. The purpose of this article is a research about legal studies, current regulations, and future prospects. By conducting interviews, this article reviews regulations on the examination, training, employment and renewal of the tour guides. The article concludes with five recommendations for the government officials for future policy reference and legislative regulations. 1. As of current regulations, the article recommends to revise the current Tourism Development Regulation to Tourism Law to incorporate the development the market. Revise current Tour Guide Management Regulation to Tour Guide Management Law in order to make tour guide a licensed profession. 2. As of examination and training, set limited qualification for licensing, for instance, relevant experience or relevant fields; hold annual on-job training and use online learning platform for training and annual audit. 3. As of employment, set clear relationship which defines job description, responsibility and accountability, between travel agency and tour guides. 4. As of renewal, use governmental platform to design electronic dispatch system to improve renewal rate and set continuous learning system for tour guide with educational training, professional lessons and license renewal, all for the purpose of clear measurable standard. 5. Set up clear classification system to ensure the quality of the tour and increase the public perception of the licensed tour guide.


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