  • 學位論文


Research on mobile crane anti tipping and safety monitoring devices based on vector theory

指導教授 : 徐瑞宏


本研究針對移動式起重機之傾倒翻覆原因進行案例收集與事故分析,並藉由力平衡原理推導臨界狀態控制方程式,建立起重機各個支撐座反力、吊掛物重量及吊掛路線點位座標之關係,可藉以計算評估防止起重機翻覆之控制參數。本研究依據該類控制參數及控制方程式,規劃設計一種自動檢測控制系統構架,分別於油壓支撐座安裝壓力傳感器(Pressure Transducer),吊索絞盤裝設荷重元(Load Cell),於吊臂或吊掛物設置自動座標量測儀器,即時檢測各項參數並與控制方程式計算指標進行比對判斷,以維持起重機底盤之穩定性,徹底保障吊掛作業之安全。研究結果顯示,控制方程式可以同時有效管控吊掛物造成起重機系統重心偏移、支撐座外伸長度不足及軟弱地盤導致支承系統剛心位置改變之情況,可作為發展自動檢測控制系統及裝置關鍵感測器之依據。


This study conducts case collection and accident analysis for the reasons of tipping of mobile cranes, derives the vector theoretical control equation by the moment equilibrium principle, which establishes the relationship between each support reaction force of crane, the weight of the hanging objects and hanging route. The equation parameters for preventing crane tipping can be actually evaluated. Based on these parameters and control equations, this study creates an automatic detection control system frame, which is equipped with a Pressure Transducer on the hydraulic support, and a load cell on the sling winch. The hanging object is equipped with an automatic coordinate measuring instrument that can instantly detect various parameters and compares it with the control equations calculation indexes to maintain the stability of the crane chassis and completely guarantee the safety of the hanging operation. The research results show that the control equations can effectively safety control the hanging object to cause the crane system to shift in the center of gravity, the insufficient support seat length, and weaken ground reaction. This system frame can be used as a key solution for the development of automatic detection and the control devices.


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3. 卡車起重機,https://kknews.cc/news/b88pa3j.html, 2019/06
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