  • 學位論文


Effects of the Integration of Information Technology into Teaching on Eighth Graders’ Learning Achievements- A Case of History Field.

指導教授 : 賴勇成


本研究旨在探討資訊科技融入歷史科教學的教學歷程及實施後的學習成效與影響。現今的社會環境中,網路媒體的使用已經成為不可或缺的媒介。國中生使用網路的機會及頻率大增,家庭中幾乎都必備電腦、手機,網路成為國中生接收外界訊息的一重要管道。且現今國中歷史科教學中,普遍因授課時數不足而造成教師教學困境,因此在網路資訊爆炸的時代,若能善用網路資源,不只提升個人的能力,也能使教師的教學活動更加順利。本文探討教師透過資訊科技融入教學的歷程藉以提升學生學習的興趣、持續學生上課的專注力、增加學生學習的印象與記憶力,進而提升學生的學習成績。國中生若能應用網路資源,檢索、處理及利用網路資源,從網路資源中得到學習相關的回饋,進而能提升學習興趣及學習意願。 本研究採準實驗設計方法,以桃園市某鄉鎮國民中學作為研究對象,選取兩個八年級的班級,以八年級第一次段考成績作為實驗前指標。透過指導學生應用網路資源查詢上課教授到的相關歷史資訊;並透過網路平台上的互動與交流,定期舉辦網路問答活動。再以八年級的第二次段考的校內排名做為實驗結果,比較實驗前後的學習成效差異。期能透過此實驗推廣網路使用在國中歷史教學的運用、增加學生學習興趣,提高學生學習成效。


The use of Internet media is indispensable in the world nowadays. The frequency of using Internet is much more than before because almost everyone has a computer and a mobile phone. Internet has become one of the most important way to receive messages from outside world. Many researches before discussed the negative impacts on using Internet. At an era of information explosion, that one can use the Internet resources well is a very important way to enhance their personal capacity and the insufficient teaching hours of history teaching in junior high school results in teaching difficulty. This study indicate that teachers who teach through the integration of information technology course can enhance students' interests in learning, increase students’ learning motivation, and enhance students’ learning achievement. If students of junior high school can make use of network resources, including using, retrieving, and processing the information, they can be motived and initiative. This research was conducted under the standard experimental method. It sampled 60 eighth graders among two classes of the junior high school in Taoyuan city. The students are from two classes. Use the first exam of eighth grade as pre-test before the teaching program. The experimental class is taught by Information Technology -Integrated History teaching method, and the other is taught by traditional teaching method. The experimented method includes teaching students to search the information about the history and interact with the teacher on the Internet, and holding Internet regular quiz. The research use the ranking of the second exam of the semester as the result to examine the difference of the pre-test and post-test. The expectation is to enhance students’ learning motivation and to promote students’ learning achievement by using Internet as a material in history teaching.


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