  • 學位論文

使用Controlled Phase-Shift演算法 提高週期性訊號的解析度

Efficient Controlled Phase-Shift method for improving the sampling resolution of periodic signals

指導教授 : 葉雲奇


本篇論文,提出一個簡單有效的Controlled Phase-Shift (CPS)演算法,目的是用來提高“尖銳快速之週期性訊號”的取樣點之取樣個數,並藉以提高週期性訊號的解析度,亦即使取樣間隔時間不受類比數位轉換器(ADC)之轉換時間的限制。CPS 演算法是以軟體MATLAB完成,它首先是以高於ADC之轉換時間的取樣間隔時間,將包含多個週期的類比式待測試訊號,轉換成多個週期的數位式訊號。接著是計算此多個週期中每一個取樣點的取樣時間,且將此取樣時間再經餘數(MOD)運算,而後是依此運算後所得到的取樣時間之大小,定出這些數位式訊號在重組時出現的先後順序;最後,依此出現的先後順序,將原來是多個週期長度的數位式訊號,重組後使之成為是一個週期長度的新數位式訊號,如此即達到提高週期性訊號之解析度的目的。


Based on existing analog to digital converters (ADC), this study proposes a simple and reliable controlled phase-shift (CPS) method to improve the sampling resolution of a periodic signal. The proposed method uses phase shifted sampling sets of a sequence of sampled periods to increase sample resolution. When combining these sets, the period is virtually sampled with a higher number of samples. The lower sampling rate (per period) alleviates the requirements to be imposed on the conversion time of the ADC. Under the original conversion time of ADC, the proposed method can provide more sampled signals. Experimental result shows the proposed CPS method can improve the sampling resolution of periodic signals.


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