  • 學位論文


The Performance of Precious Metals Fund:Compare With Different Period of Oil Price

指導教授 : 吳克 彭開瓊


國際油價及貴金屬價格的間接性相互影響在大多時候是呈現正相關係。近幾年黃金價格持續上漲,使得大部份的投資人在貴金屬或是貴金屬股票基金上有著強烈的期望與信心。本文分析貴金屬股票基金的市場概況,並探討比對投資貴金屬及購買貴金屬股票的利多點,同時分析評估貴金屬股票基金的未來走向,再藉由貴金屬股票基金分析和回顧其過去走勢以及未來投資的方向來加以剖析,以更深入了解貴金屬股票市場與後續的發展。 本研究利用MORNINGSTAR晨星網站提供之貴金屬股票十四檔基金之中以計價幣別、手續費差異等條件選擇資料期間較完整的五檔貴金屬股票基金:天達環球黃金基金C、新加坡大華黃金及綜合基金USD、法興金礦股票基金 A、瑞銀(瑞士)黃金股票基金、貝萊德全球基金世界黃金基金 A2美元來做研究與探討。本研究結合國際油價走勢並將價格區分為三個不同時期做比較,第一時期為2006年01月01日至2008年06月30日(油價上漲),第二時期為2008年07月01日至2008年12月31日(油價下跌),第三時期為2009年01月01日至2010年12月31日(油價下跌),以貝它係數、標準差、夏普指數及基金的一年、三年、五年收益、變異數-共變異數、歷史模擬法與蒙地卡羅模擬法等方法計算基金風險值,將數據資料彙整成為有用訊息,提供未來研究學者或投資人作為參考。 在貝它係數方面,不管油價變動情形為何,皆以瑞銀(瑞士)黃金股票基金(美元)之貝它係數較高。夏普係數方面,第一時期油價上漲時,貴金屬基金之夏普係數皆呈現正值,介於0.16187至0.28237之間;在第二時期中,隨著油價的下跌使得貴金屬基金之夏普係數皆呈現負值,介於-0.3182至-0.1286之間;而第三時期油價再次上漲時,貴金屬基金之夏普指數呈現正值現象,其中以天達環球策略基金-環球黃金基金C股(美元)的係數最高為0.39872。 貴金屬基金在油價上漲時的報酬率會隨著油價上升而增加,反之VaR卻不會因油價上漲而增加。新加坡大華黃金及綜合基金(星幣)在第一時期之日報酬率為0.107%、平均VaR為4.07%,而當第二時期油價開始下跌後日報酬率為-0.293%,平均VaR上升為10.8%。 研究發現,在追求高報酬及高風險時我們可選擇天達環球策略基金-環球黃金基金C股(美元)做為投資標的物,其原因為在油價變動不同時期時,天達環球策略基金-環球黃金基金C股(美元)之報酬率跌幅較少;而在考量風險因素後,我們將推薦投資人選擇新加坡大華黃金及綜合基金(星幣)作為投資標的物,其原因為不管油價變動情形為何,新加坡大華黃金及綜合基金(星幣)之平均VaR最小。


The interplay of the price of Global oil and the price of precious Metals have shown positive relationship most of the time. The price of gold is becoming more and more expensive these years, so most of the investors have had strong expectations and confidences in the performance of the precious metals fund and some of the precious metals. This study analyzed the general situation of the global market about precious Metals Fund and discussed the advantages of investing precious metals fund. It also estimated and analyzed the performance of precious metals fund in the future. According to the different currencies, the distinct administration fees, this study chose five of precious metals funds from the website of MORNINGSTAR. They are Investec Global Strategy-Global Gold Fund Class C, United Gold and General Fund, SGAM Fund/Equities Gold Mines A, UBS(CH) Equity fund –Gold, Blackrock World Gold Fund A2-USD. It analysed the performance of precious metals fund during the different period of oil price with Sharpe index, standard deviation, risk factor, Beta coefficient. It quantified the risk with the method of value at risk. It can offer all the investors some useful information about performance of precious metals fund. This study divided the oil price into three different periods. The first period is from 1st January 2006 to 30th June 2008 (oil-price raising). The second period is from 1st July 2008 to 31st December 2008 (oil-price going down). The third period is from 1st January 2009 to 31st December 2010 (oil-price going down). It compiled these data to become some useful information by Historical Simulation Method, Monte Carlo Simulation, Variance - Covariance. It will provide the scholars and investors some useful information for investment in the future.


