  • 學位論文


Applying collaborative annotation to formative assessment:Development and evaluation

指導教授 : 林建偉


本研究目的為將合作式註記應用於形成性評量當中,依此架構為基礎建置教學系統,並探討其成效。研究對象以清雲科技大學國企系電子商務修課學生兩班共114人,並依照班級區分為對照組60人、實驗組54人。其中實驗組使用具有合作式註記的線上形成性評量系統,而對照組使用一般線上形成性評量系統。研究流程分為三大階段,第一階段為研究實驗前階段,將系統建置完成,並發放問卷前測於兩組;第二階段為實驗階段,兩組分別使用其系統;第三階段為實驗結束階段,實行總結性評量後,同時並發放問卷後測於兩組,最後將所得資料進行統計分析。另外隨機抽取實驗組9位學生進行訪談,以了解他們對所提出的系統使用感覺。 研究結果發現: 1. 實驗組的學習成效顯著高於對照組,但兩者的學習動機並無顯著差異。 2. 合作註記回饋在不同成績組別之間學習情況無顯著差異。


This study aims to apply the strategy of collaborative annotation into formative assessment, develop the corresponding system, and then evaluate its efficiency. Two classes, totaling 114 students, of Department of International Business in Ching Yun University were selected for the education experiment.One class with 60 students was assigned to be the control group and to use the normal online formative assessment system while another class was assigned to be the experiment group and to use the online formative assessment with function of collaborative annotations. The research procedures were divided into three phases. During the first phase, the implementation of the proposed system was finished and the pre-test questionnaires were conducted in both groups. During the second “Experiment” phase, both groups used their designated system. At the final phase, the summative assessments and post-test questionnaires were carried out in both groups for further statistic analysis. In addition, nine students of the experiment group were selected randomly for further interview to investigate their feelings regarding to the usage of the proposed system. The experiment results show that: 1. The learning achievement of the experiment group was significantly higher than that of the control group. But there was no significant difference in the learning motivation among the two groups. 2. In the experiment group, there was no significant difference in learning condition among the different clusters, which was classified by the grades of the students’ summative assessment.


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