  • 學位論文


Enhancing the Performance of Equipments by Using Total Productive Maintenance: A Case Study of the Aluminum Foundry Factory

指導教授 : 黃俊穎


近年來,傳統製造業對於本國經濟整體產值的貢獻,一直有著關鍵性的影響。隨著人事成本的高漲及原物料價格持續上揚的壓力下,許多國內的製造業經營上日趨艱困。在面對市場的激烈競爭與經營成本的與日俱增,如何改變企業本身的體質及強化管理制度的落實,以在如此艱困環境中提高生產績效、增加獲利是企業的一大課題。 為謀求企業體質的提昇,業者多希望透過採用自動化生產,以將原先勞力密集之生產方式轉型為技術密集之生產方式,以形成低成本優勢的規模經濟、提昇企業競爭力。在企業持續發展自動化、機械化的同時,亦衍生出了許多相關管理議題,包括設備維護成本、保養費率、平均故障間隔時間、平均修復時間、附加價值的生產性及生產總量的提升、品質穩定度、人員能力的加強等等各種問題,為解決此一方面的問題,許多企業紛紛導入全面生產保養,期許能藉由各種改善活動來改變人員與設備的體質,進而促使企業的內部能有更大的改變。 為瞭解組織在推行改善活動時,如何運用全面生產保養活動之基本架構及核心價值,並在資源、人力、時間進行適當分配,以將各項改善活動之間作有效的結合、達到事半功倍的效果。基於此,本研究以一鋁鑄造業個案,探討企業在進行全面生產保養活動所遭遇到相關問題及獲致改善成效的關鍵因素。


In recent years, the traditional manufacturing sector contribution to its overall economic output has always been a key influence. With the pressure of rising personnel costs and raw material prices, many of the domestic manufacturing sectors are becoming increasingly difficult. In the face of increasingly fierce market competition and operating costs, and how to change the constitution of the enterprise itself and strengthen the implementation of the management system in such a difficult environment to improve production performance, increase profitability is a major issue for enterprises. To seek the enhancement of corporate constitution, the industry who wish to transition to a previously labor-intensive production methods through the use of automated production technology-intensive production methods, to form a low-cost advantages of economies of scale, enhance the competitiveness of enterprises. In the sustainable development of enterprise automation, mechanization, also derived from a number of management issues, including the costs of equipment maintenance, maintenance rates, average time between failures, average time to repair, enhance value-added production and total production, quality stability, strengthen staff capacity problems, in order to solve the problems of this on the one hand, many enterprises have to import the Total Productive Maintenance, hopes to change the constitution of the personnel and equipment by a variety of improvement activities, thereby promoting a greater change to the enterprise's internal. Appropriate allocation of understanding of the organization in the implementation of improvement activities, how to use the basic structure and core value of the Total Productive Maintenance activities and resources, manpower, time to effective integration between the various improvement activities to achieve a multiplier effect. Based on this, this study, an aluminum foundry industry cases and to explore enterprises in Total Productive Maintenance activities encountered related issues and attainable to improve the effectiveness of the key factors.


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[2] 蔡炳程,「以全面生產管理(TPM)建構企業競爭優勢之探討」,國立清華大學工業工程與工業管理所,碩士論文,民國89年。
[3] 日本設備維護協會,「新TPM 加工組立篇」,中衛發展中心,民國85 年10 月。
[4] 高福成,「TPM 全面生產保養推進實務」,中衛發展中心,民國84 年。
