  • 學位論文


The Issue of Dementia and Long-term Care Planning

指導教授 : 許仁綜


目前國人在健康保險醫療的照護下,明顯壽命延長,加上少子化家庭結構已與從前大不相同,老人退休的型態也相繼改變,加上文明病不斷的增生,看護需求也相對提升,本研究在討論著國人若因失智、疾病或意外,在長期照護的預先提撥與規劃上的相關行為及其影響因子探討,透過網路問卷調查法,詢問受訪者對未來長期照護的期待與規劃,目前已購買之商品以及受訪者本身對長期照護需求,及失智實質的風險屬性調查等資料加以收集彙整後,進行實證分析。 本研究使用網路問卷調查期間為2018年10月到2019年1月,在不設定特定對象當中對受訪者的不同性別、婚姻、年齡、職業、收入、教育程度進行問卷分析,再以已有規劃長期照護需求的條件下,討論受訪者每個月在實際提撥準備之金額上差異的影響因子,受訪者在長期照護準備時預期提撥金額差異的影響因子,受訪者是否會使用長期照護保險作為長期照護之工具準備的因子,受訪者每年提撥長期看護的保險費等影響,實際使用的現有長期照護工具的需求。 研究結果顯示高收入者,教育程度及不同職業的專業人士與醫師在進行長期照護提撥規劃有顯著性關聯。發現依賴政府的長期照護政策來照顧未來的長照需求的民眾,居住地區及收入低的民眾做出長照提撥的金額會較少,而已婚者家庭中經濟負擔者目前生活開銷越高不具顯著性,所提撥的金額實際上與預期提撥金額會較低。


At present, under the care of health insurance and medical care, the life expectancy of the Chinese people is different from that of the declining family structure. The type of retirement of the elderly has changed, and the civilized disease has been increasing. This study discusses the provision and planning of long-term care for the Chinese due to dementia or accidents. Through questionnaires, the respondents are asked about the expectation and planning of long-term care in the future.Respondents' own survey of risk attributes of long-term care needs and dementia. The questionnaire used in this study was from October 2018 to January 2019. Questionnaires were conducted without setting the occupational income of different ages for specific subjects, and then each respondent was discussed under the condition of planning long-term care needs. The difference in the amount of monthly withdrawals, whether the respondent will use long-term care insurance as a tool for long-term care, affects the amount of long-term care given each year, the need for the actual long-term care tools actually used. The results of the study are among high-income people, different levels of education, and different professional professionals and physicians. Conduct long-term care allocation planning related research. It is found that the people who rely on the government's policies to take care of, and the people living in the area and those with low incomes will make a long-term payment. The higher the current living expenses of the economic burden of the married family, the higher the amount of money is. In fact, the amount withdrawn is expected to be lower.


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