  • 學位論文


“People – Centered” Southbound Education Policy

指導教授 : 薛朝勇


東南亞各國近年來經濟快速成長,吸引歐美、中國大陸、日本及亞洲各國紛紛搶進該區市場,台灣亦自105年起推動「新南向政策」,希望廣泛與東協10國、南亞6國與紐澳2國連結,達成互惠互利。 鑑於新南向成功關鍵首在人才,配合「新南向政策」,政府亦推動「新南向人才培育推動計畫」(106-109年),依據「以人為本、雙向交流、資源共享」之交流原則,期從充實短期人才及培育長期人才雙管齊下,帶領我國大專校院開拓與東協及南亞國家的實質教育交流,深化雙方互動及聯盟關係,達成創造互利共贏的人才培育合作及區域經濟發展的願景。 新南向政策如火如荼地展開,相關部會群策集力,挹注大量經費,陣勢浩大,教育部亦結合相關單位推出新南向人才培育推動計畫。本文就新南向政策中之新南向、新方向、新力量的方案規劃,探討新南向教育政策規劃之特色、執行成效及限制,與面對挑戰的務實策略與作法加以分析評述,以供對新南向教育政策理解之參考。 關鍵詞:「以人為本」、新南向政策、越南、印尼、馬來西亞。


The New Southbound Policy is the initiative of the Government of Taiwan to enhance cooperation and exchanges between Taiwan and 18 countries in Southeast Asia, South Asia and Australasia. The New Southbound Policy is in full swing. The relevant ministries and groups have been working together to make concerted efforts and a large amount of funds have been injected. The Ministry of Education also launches a new southbound talents development plan in conjunction with relevant units. This paper will discuss the planning of the new southbound education policy with a new direction and a new force. It will explore the planning characteristics and implementation effectiveness of new southbound education policy and the limits of its policy planning. It will also analyze and comment on the pragmatic strategies and actions in the face of challenges. Keywords: People-Centered, New Southbound Policy, Vietnam, Indonesia, Malaysia。


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