  • 學位論文


Research of Personal Data Privacy Protection on Cloud Environment Management System

指導教授 : 陳信北


雲端運算(cloud computing)蓬勃發展為使用者帶來許多便利性,使用者處理資料的方式也漸漸由儲存在本地端或隨身碟轉變為上傳到雲端平台上,不僅有充足的儲存容量還有著高效能的運算能力。隨著雲端服務應用的拓展,像社交軟體、轉帳平台、線上購物、買賣股票這些服務都涵蓋其中,而當人們享受便利之時雲端的個人資料安全問題也隨之而來。近年來雲端資料安全方面發展並不是那麼完善,反而較著重於雲端基礎建設與服務提供。本研究以隱私權政策來探討雲端環境上資料生命週期管理階段,並透過隱私權中個人資料保護法條文給予的保障與限制設計了一套系統,系統中對於雲端個人資料生命週期從創建到銷毀做討論,並提出系統各階段威脅與保護機制,提高雲端運算服務上的個人資料安全性。


Cloud computing techniques are giving many convenient to users; it changed the way of data process. Many users not only saving their data in local or USB drive, but also upload to the cloud template. It is because of the cloud templates not only having enough memory space, but also they provide user high-performance computing ability. With the develop of the cloud service application like social software, transfer platform, online shopping, stock trading are all included in their services. When the users are enjoying the convenient of cloud computing, their security of personal data is under threat. Recently the develop of security of cloud data is not so perfect, because the developers are more emphasis on infrastructure and service. Our propose is based on privacy policy to discuss data life cycle management in the environment of cloud. We designed a system that conform to Privacy Protection Act, this system will discuss the life cycle (from it created till it deleted), we will also provide the every level of threat and the protection method, to enhanced the data security in cloud computing services.


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