  • 學位論文


Application of smart phone support accident notification system on the automobile

指導教授 : 鄭智元




The frequency of traffic accidents has increased annually in recent years, and this trend has been attributed primarily to misconduct, sudden worsening of drivers’ chronic diseases, and driving violation. When a traffic accident occurs, information regarding the accident and casualties often cannot be immediately acquired, thus compromising punctual medical treatment and rescue. Therefore, this study integrated smartphones and wearable devices with vehicle safety devices, vehicle sensors, and various monitoring devices to design a vehicle accident assessment and reporting application. The sensors and devices integrated into this application were a triple-axis gyroscope, triple-axis accelerometer, gradiometer, global positioning system, pulse detection sensor, and safe driving system. In the event of a traffic accident, the proposed application first notifies the relatives of casualties or relevant emergency services. Subsequently, the application uses a fourth-generation network technology (or a mobile device technique) to upload event data (e.g., accident location and driving records) to a database. After being processed through an intelligent system, the event data are transmitted to users according to system configurations.


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