  • 學位論文


Relationships among Self-Congruity, Brand Attitude and Purchase Behavior of Sport Goods using Theory of Planned Behavior

指導教授 : 呂慈恩


隨著國人運動風氣的盛行,以及國內外優秀選手的傑出表現,引起民眾對國內外大小運動賽事的關注。在此氛圍之影響下,帶動消費者對運動產品及運動品牌的高度興趣。民眾在選購運動產品時習慣以信任的品牌進行考量因素,並因應每人的功能需求不同,而有不同的思考及消費模式。 本研究以計劃行為理論與自我一致性理論為模型,探討影響消費者購買運動品牌商品的相關因素及購買行為。本研究以臺灣地區一般消費者為研究對象進行問卷調查,共發出374份問卷,回收之有效問卷有363份,有效問卷回收率為97.05%。研究結果顯示如下: 1.真實自我一致性會正向影響功能一致性 2.理想自我一致性會正向影響功能一致性 3.功能一致性會正向影響品牌態度 4.品牌態度會正向影響購買行為 5.知覺行為控制會正向影響購買行為


Nowadays, People in Taiwan has exhibited their great interest in sports and gradually developed their sports brand loyalty. This may result from the increasing popularity of sports events plus the outstanding performances of those athlete elites. Consequently, local customers tend to look first for the brands they trust when purchasing sports related goods. People also demonstrate different mentality and consumer behavior models, based on individual needs in functions of the sports concerned. The study use Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) and Self-Congruity Theory as the theoretical models to explore the factors which influence consumers’ purchase behavior on sports goods. Out of 374 questionnaires sent to the common consumers in Taiwan, 363 valid questionnaires were returned with a collection rate of 97.05%. The major findings of this study were stated as below. 1.Actual self-congruity displayed significant positive influence on functional congruity. 2.Ideal self-congruity displayed significant positive influence on functional congruity. 3.Functional congruity displayed significant positive influence on brand attitude. 4.Brand attitude displayed significant positive influence on purchase behavior. 5.Perceived behavior control displayed significant positive influence on purchase behavior.


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