  • 學位論文


A Study on the Factors Affecting the Re-employment of Involuntary Retired Unemployed Laborers

指導教授 : 李筱丰


近十幾年來由於全球化、自由化以及投資環境不良、景氣不佳等因素、非自願性失業員工比例上有大量增加的現象。自2008年起各行業因為金融海嘯以及全球景氣的問題,幾乎天天傳出裁員的消息,也引發全球各地高度關切失業相關議題,而近期國內的失業率也有向上攀升的趨勢。值得注意的是在失業族群中尤其以中高齡勞工失業後所引發的社會問題更為嚴重。雇主普遍存在就業歧視的刻板印象,認為中高齡者員工受限於年紀及體能問題會導致工作能力的退化及工作效率降低。 本研究針對根據就業保險法向中壢就業中心登記領取失業給付或職業訓練生活津貼的非自願性中高齡失業勞工為研究對象,透過137份有效回收問卷進行統計分析,研究結果發現:1.在就業阻隔程度方面,發現無論是性別、年齡、教育程度、婚姻狀況、居住地區、交通距離或是主要經濟來源等對於就業阻隔程度上都沒有顯著差異。2.在尋職自我效能方面,發現教育程度在尋職自我效能上有顯著差異,大專學歷者明顯比高中職學歷者有顯著較高的尋職自我效能。3.內控對就業阻隔程度沒有顯著影響。4.內控程度對尋職自我效能有顯著正向影響。亦即內控程度越高,尋職自我效能越高。 關鍵詞:非自願離職、中高齡、尋職自我效能、就業阻隔程度、內外控人格特質。


In the past decade or so, due to globalization, liberalization, poor investment environment, poor economic conditions and other factors, the proportion of involuntary unemployed employees has increased significantly. Since 2008, due to the financial tsunami and the global economic situation, the news of layoffs has been reported almost every day. It has also triggered high-profile unemployment-related issues around the world, and the recent domestic unemployment rate has also risen upward. It is worth noting that the social problems caused by the unemployment of the middle-aged workers, especially in the unemployed, are even more serious. Employers generally have a stereotype of employment discrimination. They believe that middle-aged employees are limited by age and physical problems, which can lead to deterioration of work ability and reduced work efficiency. This study is aimed at the involuntary middle-aged and unemployed workers who have received unemployment benefits or vocational training subsistence allowances from the Lieutenant Employment Center under the Employment Insurance Law. Through 137 valid recovery questionnaires, the results of the study found that: 1. In employment In terms of the degree of barrier, it was found that there was no significant difference in employment barriers regardless of gender, age, education level, marital status, residential area, traffic distance or major economic sources. 2. In terms of job-seeking self-efficacy, it is found that the degree of education has significant differences in job-seeking self-efficacy. College graduates have significantly higher job-seeking self-efficacy than those with high school qualifications. 3. Internal control has no significant effect on the degree of employment barrier. 4. The degree of internal control has a significant positive impact on job search self-efficacy. That is, the higher the degree of internal control, the higher the self-seeking self-efficacy Keywords: Involuntary unemployment, Middle and old age, Job search self-efficacy, Employment barrier, Internal and external control personality


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