  • 學位論文


The Effect of Promotion Types for Purchase Intension of Consumer – With Cosmetics Products at Department Store

指導教授 : 李正綱
共同指導教授 : 朱松偉


在民眾對生活品質的要求以及消費者類型的轉變,人們越來越重視外表的保養。在女性消費意識高漲、教育程度的提高及人際互動頻繁的背後,化妝被認為是一種基本的禮貌。然而在資訊快速傳遞下,女性的消費觀點也開始出現轉變,使得化妝品使用年齡層有擴大的現象。 本研究主要探討百貨公司化妝品促銷方式是否會對消費者購買意願產生影響,並進一步探討不同消費者人格特質對化妝品促銷方式與消費者購買意願之間是否具有干擾效果。而本研究範圍以大台北地區消費者進行便利抽樣,獲取有效樣本346份;回收率為98%。以皮爾森相關分析、單因子變異數分析及多元迴歸分析進行資料分析。 研究結果顯示,化妝品促銷方式是會刺激消費者購買意願,然而再針對各項化妝品促銷方式中,以「贈品」、「滿額贈送」、「滿千送百」這三種化妝品促銷方式是最具吸引消費者的促銷方式。而現今消費者受其大環境不穩定影響下,在面對百貨公司推出各種化妝品促銷方式時,會受其自身經濟狀況而去壓抑自己的購買的意願。所以,研究結果顯示,不同的消費者人格特質對化妝品促銷方式與消費者購買意願間之關係不具干擾效果。因為在現實消費活動中,由於周遭環境的影響,消費者的人格特質是很難按照原來的面貌分毫不差的表露出來。


The requirement of life quality and the consumer consumption trend have a dramatically changed nowadays. People pay more and more attention on the care of appearance; under a circumstance of the awareness of female consumption perception is higher than before, in-creasing level of education and social interaction, it is a basic polite expression that female makes up. Due to the massive information exposure and the concept of female consumption changed, it is found that cosmetic consumption target age is getting older. The aim of this study is to explore to what kind of extent promotion holds in department stores would influ-ence consumers’ purchasing motivations. Moreover, it would be useful to observe does dif-ferent personality would become an essential factor which effect consumer’s attitude towards promotional activity. The scope of this study would do random sampling among consumers in Taipei area, and the sample size is 364, the rate of effective sample is 98%. And it would use Pearson correlation, ANOVR and Multi-regression methods to analyse these data. The finding of this study demonstrates, the promotional activity would stimulate con-sumers’ purchasing behaviours, and focusing on the way of promotional activity, “the gifts”, “get NT$100 rebate for every NT$1000 purchase” and “premiums” are the most attractive ways to consumers. However, even there are many promotional activities held in department stores, but under the economical recession pressure, consumers would tend to control their desire to purchase. Hence, according to the results, different personality would not really in-fluence the outcomes of promotional activity and consumer purchasing behaviour. Because of in the reality, it is difficult to not effect by the promotional atmosphere and still behave the original personality in that environment.


1.台灣產經資料庫 http://tie.tier.org.tw
2.經濟部工業局 http://www.moeaidb.gov.tw/
3.中華民國購物中心協會 http://www.scdc.org.tw/front/bin/home.phtml
4.中華民國百貨零售企業協會 http://www.ract.org.tw/newweb/index.asp


