  • 學位論文

登山休憩活動與價值關聯之研究 -志願工作者與無痕山林之主觀認知

The study of the relationship between the leisure activities of mountaineering and its value--the subjective cognition of leave no trace from volunteer workers

指導教授 : 葉寶文




Since the implementation of the week off two days on January 1, 2001,The standard of living of the people has gradually improved,Therefore, people are paying more and more attention to leisure life and physical and mental health. The public gradually began to plan outdoor recreation, making outdoor leisure activities increasingly popular. In addition, according to the national conditions statistics of the General Office of the Executive Yuan, the national social volunteer service in the first half of the year of the Republic of China, the participation of volunteers in the population increased year by year. The number of volunteers increased by 4.5% at the end of June 2007 compared to the end of June 2006 . According to the statistics of the Volunteer Service Information Network of the Ministry of Health and Welfare, at the end of June 2017, the social and volunteer service team registered in the Social Affairs Bureau of the county and city governments counted 4,817 teams, an increase of 13.3% from the end of June, and the service level distribution will be more widely. This study aims to explore the subjective perception of volunteers and engage in mountaineering activities, and use questionnaires to collect empirical data. The research framework adopts five aspects for analysis and verification, and discusses the motivation, risk assessment and experience of people's participation in mountaineering recreation activities, the feelings and impacts of experience, the possible reasons for continuous involvement, and the understanding and understanding of seamless forests. And analyze the basic data of the respondents, and then rely on reliability analysis and factor analysis to find out the key influence factors between volunteers' subjective perception and engaging in mountaineering activities. We found that the results of the confidence analysis showed that the survey of this study was highly credible and effective.


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