  • 學位論文


The Influence of Brand Image on Consumers’ Behavioral Loyalty for Cosmetics Brands - E-wom And Service Quality as Intervening variables

指導教授 : 莊育詩




An inclination to beauty lies in women’s nature, which urges women to invest in their looks. Other than attire, such investment falls majorly in makeup. Over recent years, retailers and department stores have endeavored to offer customers more options in cosmetic products by introducing overseas brands. To the cosmetic company, the only thing considered more important than increasing consumption is developing a solid base of loyal customers. This research, taking samples of makeup customers of department stores, aims to determine the influence that brand image, eWOM and service quality have on behavioral loyalty among customers. This research stands a 92% retrieve rate, with 242 valid surveys out of 263 distributed, and adopts SEM (Structural Equation Modeling) to evaluate the hypothesis and the intermediate. The result indicates that brand image has great influence on service quality and eWOM; service quality has great influence on behavioral loyalty; eWOM has great influence on behavioral loyalty; and brand image has great influence on behavioral loyalty. Furthermore, eWOM and service quality both serve as the intermediate between brand image and behavioral loyalty. Drawing on the conclusion of the research, it is suggested that brand-name cosmetic corporations put stress on developing unique brand images to impress potential customers as a first step. Moreover, equally important is the quality of service, which requires persistent training and experience sharing from outstanding staff. This is to acquaint frontline staff with respect and perception of customers’ needs, which in turn, will increase the behavioral loyalty among customers with good impression and willingness to come back for more products. Another aspect stressed by the practitioners is to encourage loyal customers to share their experience with products on the Internet. This attempt could be carried out in the form of a rewarding mechanism such as coupons or tester packages of new products; this will encourage customers to raise positive feedback openly.


brand image service quality eWOM behavioral loyalty


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