  • 學位論文


Government has adopted heterogeneity minimum standards of practicality study

指導教授 : 陳明正
共同指導教授 : 許書王


本研究採文獻回顧、問卷調查等方式,彙析異質採購最低標辦理中遭遇之困難及問題,並藉由專家訪談方法研擬法規面、政策面、制度面及執行面之建議供參。期能提供主管機關修法之參考,及採購機關能於既定預算範圍內,發揮採異質最低標之「物美價宜」之實用性。研究結果顯示: ㄧ、法規面部分:大多數受訪者認(ㄧ)採異質性最低標,可藉由審查機制淘汰不良廠商,惟政府採購法中「異質」之用語,會造成行政機關採異質最低標決標時,引起相關單位不同見解,另建立異質性之大小之標準化,更可協助採購機關決標方式之決策。(二)招標公告時,併同公開詳細價目表所有項目預算單價,有利於投標廠商瞭解各施工項目設計原意及評估成本,並降低廠商投標總價之異常情形(總價偏低) 。 二、政策面部分:大多數受訪者認為(ㄧ)機關成立「採購發包中心」有助於提昇採購行政效能。(二)採異質性最低標(公告金額以上),公告招標前辦理招標文件之公開閱覽,廣徵意見,可減少招標及履約爭議。(三)工程會提供之評選委員資料庫之委員名單,宜定期審視,並建議採購機關遴選外聘及內派委員時,可採較為公平的方式選取。 三、制度面部分:大多數受訪者認為(ㄧ)建立獎懲機制(功、過及考績),有助於將採購機關內具有相當經驗之採購人員留任,並提昇採購績效。(二)建立採購案相關人員之回訓機制,有利於機關採購人員嫻熟法規及掌握法令更迭情形。(三)提高外聘委員人數比率,應可提高審查作業之公平性。 四、執行面部分:大多數受訪者認為(ㄧ)機關基於需求考量,擇定招標、決標方式前,若欲採異質性最低標,先由機關相關單位 (使用單位、管理單位、採購單位、監辦單位)共同召開採購策略決策會議,應可提昇採購目的(技術、品質、功能、效益等)之達成率。(二)採異質性最低標,倘能於招標前參考「最有利標評選辦法」訂定相關資格,可能有助於提高投標廠商之素質。(三)採購機關於公告招標前慎選審查委員(符合採購標的相關專長),應有助於審查作業品質。招標前召開審查委員會議,訂定審查項目、計分基準及級距等,或可避免審查項目偏重於主觀抽象事項及各審查委員評分差異過大之情形。(四)建議採購機關應善用獎勵(廠商)機制,提升公共工程品質、縮短工期或節省公帑。


Hrough literature view, questionnaires, exchange analysis and so forth, a minimum standard for handling difficulties encountered. This may be resolved through expert interviewing methods, elaboration regulations, proposed policies and regulatory controls as references. To provide references from a competent authority in amending the law, the authority can procure with the established budget. A adoption of the method of the “appropriate Wumart pricing” can be established in obtaining a lower standard. Post-investigation findings 1)Legal regulations: the majority of respondents recognizes that A) the adoption of a minimum standard for heterogeneity, a review mechanism for the elimination of unsuitable companies will cause differing opinions within in terms of procurement laws adopting a minimum standard. By establishing that standard sizes for heterogeneity, this will assist procurement units in their decision-making. B) Establishing a tender notice and detailed price list with all items disclosed at a budgeted pricing. Favorable construction vendors should make clear of their design intent and evaluate their costs and reduce the number of anomalies to reduce any extra costs. 2)In terms of policy, the majority of respondents agree that A) the authorities may set up a contract procurement center in assisting the administrative efficiency in the procurement process. B) adopt the minimum standards for heterogeneity (announce amount as above) prior to the announcement of the tender – for public viewing, solicit opinions and this compliance can reduce tender disputes. C) the construction panel will elect representative members to periodically review and recommend. This allows for a more equitable manner of selection. 3)In terms of the system, the majority of respondents recommend that a) an incentive mechanism (work over appraisal) to assist with the retention of staff with considerable experiment within the procurement agency staff and improve procurement performance. B) The establishment of training mechanisms in order to familiarize procurement process and regulations in controlled situations. C) increase the ratio of members to improve the fairness of the job. 4)In terms of the operational aspect, most respondents agree that A) taking into account the requirements of the authority for a selected tender, determining the successful bid should be undertaken under a minimum standard by the relevant authorities (utilization of units, management units, the procurement unit and the regulatory commission). B) adoption of the minimum standards and tenders should be based on the most advantageous tender selection method. Setting the relevant criteria may also improve the quality of the tenderer. C) Announcement of carefully selected tender by an authorized procurement review committee (with the relevant expertise in the subject matter in procurement). The review process is to commence prior to a review committee meeting. The scoring for such projects should avoid emphasis on subjective and abstract matters. D) It is recommended that the procurement authority make good incentives mechanisms to improve the quality of public works while shortening the duration and public monetary funds.


【1】行政院公共工程委員會(http://www.pcc.gov.tw),工程採購契約管理, 2009年03月31日。
【3】監察院(2011)/「政府採購法公布施行10 年來,關於限制性招標、最有利標、最低標之成效檢討」專案調查研究報告。
【4】 行政院公共工程委員會95年6月20日工程企字第09500227540號函頒。
【5】台北市政府,採購標準作業程序電子書(第7版;102年出版) 2012年。
