  • 學位論文


Discussion on Labor Pensions' Employment to Middle and Old Age Labors

指導教授 : 王啟秀 高建國 陳冠利


根據勞基法第五十三條規定,勞工受僱於雇主工作十五年以上年滿五十五歲或工作二十五年以上者,均得向雇主申請退休。工作年資之退休給與,工作年資十五年以內之部分,每滿一年給與二個月平均工資;超過十五年之部分,每滿一年給與一個月平均工資。部分黑心雇主為規避上述規定節省支出,想盡各式方法對付即將屆齡退休之中高齡勞工令其自行離職或刻意惡性倒閉、關廠、歇業,讓即將屆齡退休之中高齡勞工領不到資遣費及退休金,導至失業生活無著落,甚至影響到勞工老年退休生活經濟來源。此纇新聞不時上報令人鼻酸,大都針對即將屆齡退休之中高齡勞工。 惟2005年7月1日「勞工退休金條例」(以下簡稱勞退新制)實施至今,縱然失業率仍居高不下,但即將屆齡退休之中高齡勞工被惡意資遣、解僱之新聞幾乎不見報,為何被解僱勞工已非特定針對中高齡勞工,此現象是本文研究重點。經蒐集各界文獻、統計資料及面對面和雇主訪談,研究結果得知雇主因退休金已每月以不低於投保薪資6%提繳在勞保局勞工個人勞退帳戶內,公司每月支出明確且中高齡勞工又有豐富的工作經驗及留職穩定性,早已非業務經營的潛在敵人,反而是公司營運之瑰寶。


According to Article 53 of the Lloyd's Law, workers who have been employed by an employer for more than fifteen years of age at least fifty years or have worked for more than 25 years can apply for retirement from their employer. The retirement pension is two-month of the averaged wage for working less than fifteen years, for more than 15 years, addition one-month average wage per year for beyond 15 years. Some bad employers to avoid the above-mentioned regulations to save money, try all kinds of ways to deal with the labor forces who are near their retirement age. Bankruptcy, closing factories to force workers to resign so that the near retirement workers can not receive severance and pensions, and even unemployed in the senior lives. This kind of sad news bout the middle to old age of retirement workers has been reported in the past. However, the Labor Pension Ordinance (hereinafter referred to as the "Labor Retirement Scheme"), which was implemented on July 1, 2005. Those kinds of sad news were greatly reduced. Why is the dismissal of middle to old age of retirement workers no longer the top news? This phenomenon is the subject of this paper. After collecting all the literature, statistics and face-to-face interviews with employers, facts were found. The study found that the employers have a monthly pension reserve of no less than 6% of the insured salary paid to the labor account. This reserve is a company's monthly expenditure. It is not a separate retirement payment issue. Middle-aged or senior workers have more experience. Their work experience and stability of the retention has long been non-operating potential of the enemy, but the company's business treasures.


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5. 勞工退休金新制實施 對事業單位、勞工及工會影響之研究林大鈞、古楨彥主持研究期間:中華民國95年5月16日至95年12月16日
