  • 學位論文

影響民眾對律師服務滿意度之因素: 以房屋買賣糾紛者為例

Clients’ Satisfaction with Lawyers: A Case Study of Real Estate Disputes

指導教授 : 周愫嫻


在現今台灣社會中,不論是哪個層面,律師均佔有相當重要的地位,加上近年來,我國法院受理民、刑事訴訟案件數持續增加,我國民眾對於律師的依賴程度,將會與日俱增,有必要對於律師行業有更深入的了解。律師考試錄取人數大量增加,律師如何在這競爭日益激烈的市場,找到生存之道,除應加強法律上之專業外,律師業也是服務業的一環,服務業所講究的就是讓顧客滿意,要讓顧客滿意,首先就要了解顧客想法,才能提供顧客最適切之服務,抓住顧客的心,提高顧客之滿意度。 本研究欲意從經歷房屋糾紛訴訟者的角度來探究影響律師服務品質的因素。因此,期望在藉由本研究的研究過程及結果來達成以下幾點目的: 1. 探討房屋買賣糾紛的訴訟者所經歷的訴訟過程。 2. 探究經歷房屋買賣糾紛訴訟的委任人對律師的期待與實際互動過程。 3. 找出影響房屋買賣糾紛訴訟者對律師服務品質滿意度的因素。 4. 向潛在的委任人提供判斷律師服務品質良莠的建議。 本研究透過五位經歷房屋糾紛且和律師有互動經驗的民眾,透過深入訪談的方式,並從實體性、可靠性、反應性、保障性、體貼性、等五個服務構面,歸納出十四項律師所提供和其最重視的服務項 目分別是:1.談話的空間2.事務所的軟硬體設備3.律師的穿著4.判決結果符合期待5.開庭的表現6.告知的義務7.開庭的通知&書狀的準備8.報價合理費用透明9.服務的態度10.溝通流暢11.律師的專業度12.建議的明確可行性13.對案情清楚了解深入14.諮詢管道暢通等十四項,作為律師將來承辦案件參考。 此外有四項建議提供未來研究者作參考(1)建立律師評鑑制度(2)訴訟外可參考的途徑(3)聘請律師前應該問的問題(4)律師分科制度的建立。


Lawyers occupy an important role in Taiwan society, and the number of civil and criminal cases tried in Taiwan’s courts of law has progressively risen. Trying to understand the business of ‘lawyering’ is increasingly relevant. With increased market competition, how does a lawyer raise his competitiveness ? For many, client satisfaction and service is key. This research investigated the factors affecting the perceived quality of a lawyer’s service to clients in real estate cases. The research: (a) reviewed the litigation process of people in housing disputes; (b) investigated the litigants’ expectations toward their lawyers and the interaction between the lawyers and the litigants’ (c) identified factors which influence satisfaction; (d) provided ways to judge quality of service. Interviews with conducted with five litigants involved in real estate cases and who had interaction with lawyers. Results suggested 14 factors related to client satisfaction levels: the conversation dialogue; the computer software and hardware of the office;. professional demeanour and dress; attitudes towards client’s case; the performance in court;. the responsibility for being kept informed;. the preparation of legal documents and appearing in court ;. reasonable quotation and fair fees; the attitude toward customers; fluent communication; lawyer specialty; the practicability of the advice; clear ideas of details of the legal case; ease of approach in consulting with the lawyer. The foregoing may be particularly useful as a reference in similar cases. Finally, there are four suggestions given for future research: (a) to establish an appropriate public evaluation system for lawyers, (b) to find alternatives to direct litigation in real estate cases, (c) to understand the matters needing attention before employing a lawyer, and (d) to ensure a system that allows for declaration of lawyers’ specialty, in order that potential clients interests can be met..


黃瑞明,1990,〈歐陸法系下律師社會角色之探討〉,《律師通訊》,130: 35。


翁祖立(2015)。專業服務業之服務品質探討 —以律師業為例〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2015.00630
