  • 學位論文


The Effect of Technology Readiness on the Consumer's Usage Intention - a Mediating Perspective of the Technology Acceptance Model 3.

指導教授 : 梁世安


近年來,隨著無線網路的普及和電子紙技術的精進,電子化閱讀再度受到世界注目;新世代產品──電子書閱讀器(eBook reader)的產生,對於消費者閱讀行為與習慣造成革命性的變革:消費者可以透過無線網路隨時隨地取得數位內容,隨身攜帶千百本報章雜誌與書籍,閱讀不再受到時間與空間的限制;其採用之電子紙面板,讓消費者在閱讀時有著紙一般視覺感受,適合常時間閱讀,同時有著耗電低、可在陽光下閱讀等優點。2007年底美國亞馬遜(Amazon)推出第一代實體電子書-「Kindle」,在歐美地區受到熱烈歡迎,使得全球電子書市場蔚為風潮。我國政府亦將電子書納入重點新興產業之一,在政策支持下,許多本土企業亦紛紛投入電子書市場,然而不同以往的閱讀型態,是否能被顧客所接接納,仍須進一步檢視。本研究架構依據Walczuch, Lemmink, and Streukens(2007)的研究為基礎,採用Venkatesh and Bala(2008)的「第三代技術接受模型」,輔以Parasuraman(2000)提出的「技術準備度」-「樂觀」、「創新性」、「不適」與「不安」四構念,探討「第三代技術接受模型」在「技術準備度」與個體「使用意圖」間的中介角色,同時將「經驗」納入模型,探討其影響效果。研究使用問卷調查法,針對台灣地區顧客對於電子書產品使用意願進行調查;研究結果顯示:「樂觀」會對「知覺有用性」與「知覺易用性」有正向影響,且「創新性」對「知覺有用性」與「知覺易用性」有負向影響;「不安」與「不適」對「知覺易用性」有負面影響;「主觀規範」會對「知覺有用性」與「使用意圖」有正向影響;「知覺有用性」與「知覺易用性」會對「使用意圖」有正向影響;「經驗」對於「主觀規範」、「知覺有用性」、「知覺易用性」與「使用意圖」有正向影響。本研究將「第三代技術接受模型」應用於剛上市的新科技產品,以了解顧客的想法與行為,電子書產品目前在台灣處於萌芽階段,研究結果將可供電子書產品經營者作為未來策略擬定之參考。


Amazon launched the eBook reader - “Kindle” by the end of 2007, warmly welcomed by the market around the Europe and the United States. The eBook reader is an electronic device designed primarily for the purpose of reading digital books and periodicals and uses e-ink technology to display content to readers; the devices have a lot of advantages: portability, readability of their screens in bright sunlight, and long battery life. However, the eBook reader is adopted by Europe and the United States, that can it be accepted by the people in Taiwan needs to be further examined. This research framework is based on the research of Walczuch, Lemmink, and Streukens(2007), with the “technology acceptance model 3” proposed by Venkatesh and Bala(2008) and the four constructs of the “technology readiness index” proposed by Parasuraman(2000) - "optimism", "innovativeness", "discomfort", and "insecurity". Investigate the intermediary role of the “technology acceptance model 3” between the “technology readiness index” and individual’s “usage intention”. As the same time we put the "experience" into the research model and discuss its effects.The research was conducted through online questionnaires, receiving 763 valid samples. Structural equation modeling (SEM) was employed to test hypothesis presented by the research framework. The results show that the “subjective norm” has a positive effect on both “perceived usefulness” and “perceived ease of use”, and the “technology readiness” also has significant impact on both “perceived usefulness” and “perceived ease of use”. Three of the fifteen hypotheses were unsupported. The eBook product in Taiwan is at the embryonic stage currently, the research findings could provide some useful suggestions for the eBook product managers developing management strategies in the near future.


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蕭恒哲(2012)。以社會比較理論探討平板電腦的採用意願 以科技接受模式為調節〔碩士論文,國立臺北大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0023-0402201215034900
