  • 學位論文


The Perceptions of the Party Members toward the Party Caucus Negotiation: A Case Study of the Seventh Legislative Yuan in Taiwan

指導教授 : 翁興利


中文論文摘要 民主政治中「服從多數,尊重少數」是很重要的原則,國會中席次的多少代表政黨之實力,在法案爭議時,多數黨可經由表決取得多數支持以貫徹其意志,但也可經由協商對於少數表示尊重,減少政黨間對立與抗爭,加速立法決策的效率,使得國會議事進行順利,而黨團協商本身更是立法決策制度設計的一部分。 我國立法院黨團協商制度先由非正式「朝野協商」之形態開始,在1999年制定「立法院職權行使法」之後逐步演進對黨團協商運作及效力加以規定,成為黨團協商運作重要的法律依據。對我國而言,黨團協商制度更是國會改革與民主發展過程中的一個不可或缺的角色。 本研究從我國國會決策模式的理論觀點,來探討第七屆立法院主要黨團成員對協商的看法,以及其在立法決策過程中所扮演的角色。透過實證的研究途徑發現,雖然在第七屆立法院時,出現朝野席次分配差距過大的現象,與以往國會結構迥異,但不論是朝野政黨,大多數立法委員對黨團協商機制的認知仍是抱持正面的看法,也認為法制化的協商機制有助於立法增進效率。最後,在結論部分,分別從黨團協商環境、黨團協商規範以及黨團協商執行等三面向,提供一些改進建議。 關鍵字:立法院、黨團、黨團協商、立法效率


Abstract "The majority, respect for minorities" is a very important principle in democratic politics, the number of seats in Congress represent the strength of a political parties. In the bill dispute, the majority party can be made by a majority vote of support to carry out their will, but also through the consultation for that respect for minority and reduce confrontation and struggle between political parties to speed up the legislative decision-making efficiency, making congressional procedure goes well. The legislative caucus negotiation is the important part of decision-making system. Taiwan's Legislative Yuan party caucus negotiation system initially from informal "cross-party consultation". Until the year 1999, the system gradual evolution after the operation and effectiveness of negotiation to be provided, its operation is an important legal basis for negotiation. In Taiwan, the party caucus negotiation system is the process of parliamentary reform and democratic development of an essential role. Base on the Congress decision-making model and empirical research approach, the study is aimed at explore the main party member of the Seventh Legislative Yuan's perceptions toward the party caucus negotiation and its role in the legislative making process. The study found, both the ruling and opposition parties, most of the members hold a positive view, the party caucus negotiation is essencial to increase efficiency legislation. In conclusion, this study will explain in different dimension, respective from the party caucus negotiation environment, party caucus negotiation norms and its implementation, to provide some suggestions for improvement. Key Words: legislative yuan 、the party caucus、legislative efficiency


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