  • 學位論文

VANETs 的弱點分析及攻擊實作–以 AODV 協定為例

Vulnerability Analysis And Attack Implementation In Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks With The Protocol AODV

指導教授 : 莊東穎 曾俊元


車載隨意網路(VANETs)是基於無線網路技術進步所發展的特殊網路,車輛本身具備無線網路設備,因此車輛在行駛時,可以動態地與鄰車建立連線,無須透過無線基地台;此種特性與無線隨意網路(MANETs)相符,因此車載隨意網路路由方式可以與無線隨意網路相互結合發展。車載隨意網路目前應用範疇其中一項為行車安全服務,例如行車安全偵測,前方交通事故通知、災難正確位置取得等,這些應用內容凸顯出安全性的重要。   目前車載隨意網路的通訊協定尚未完全發展成熟,因此本論文以無線隨意網路路由通訊協定AODV運用於車載隨意網路當中,並針對此通訊協定進行探討與分析,希望藉由深入分析以了解AODV的弱點;本論文亦利用分析後的弱點,進行黑洞攻擊及自私節點攻擊之實現,藉由此實驗證實並取得上述攻擊對於AODV的實際傷害嚴重程度,希望藉此了解並提升安全性議題的重要性,以期日後發展出更為嚴密的通訊協定,建立更完善的防禦機制,提升安全性的可靠度。


車載 攻擊


VANETs is a special network that derives from the improvement of wireless networking. The vehicle itself includes wireless equipment and, therefore, is able to connect with its neighboring vehicles while moving, without a wireless access point. Such attribute corresponds with MANETs. Thus, VANETs routing protocol can ally and develop with MANETs. One of VANETs’ many applications is vehicle safety service, such as notification of traffic accidents ahead and obtaining accurate position of calamity. These applications mark the importance of safety. Nonetheless, currently the protocol of VANETs has not fully matured. This paper contributes by applying MANETs routing protocol, AODV, on VANETs, and finding out its disadvantages through in-depth discussion and analysis. Moreover, this paper also demonstrates the actual severe damages of AODV by attacking black hole and selfish node. With deeper understanding and wider recognition of the significance of safety issue, we can develop a tighter protocol, and build a better defense system that heaves safety reliability in the future.




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