  • 學位論文


A Study on the Influence of Driving Training Program for the Highway Bus Drivers to the Fuel Consumption Evaluation Model

指導教授 : 王鴻龍


本研究透過與某客運公司的產學合作計劃,針對特定國道客運路線的駕駛員,施以駕駛教育訓練課程,評估駕駛習慣,並衡量經過教育訓練後油耗改善效果的彰顯程度。同時運用數位行車記錄器,收集大客車行進間資訊,訂定駕駛行為因子,並將駕駛人格特質與駕駛行為因子結合轉換為油耗預測模型;透過問卷調查結果運用多變量分析方式建立駕駛人格特質。本實驗目的在於研究駕駛教育訓練課程對油耗預測模型之作用。 駕駛教育訓練課程是參考以往相關研究所得到之正確駕駛習慣與策略,並運用駕駛行為分析的結果進行指導。經由駕駛教育訓練課程,我們進行上課前後的油耗率之比較,觀察駕駛教育訓練課程對於油耗是否有正面幫助,並持續追蹤教育訓練對油耗改善的效果是否隨著時間而慢慢減少。 研究結果顯示,駕駛教育訓練課程能夠顯著降低油耗量,並且從油耗迴歸模型得到影響油耗的顯著因子:怠速比例高、高速比例高、轉彎不平穩、保守型人格。藉由本研究的探討,能夠提供駕駛者對本身的駕駛行為做改正,也可作為客運業者監督管理司機的駕駛技巧及服務品質,或是做為徵選新進駕駛員的標準,以達到節省油耗成本,開源節流之目的。


In this research project, we collaborate with the bus company to monitor the bus drivers’ driving behavior and fuel consumption on a certain route and then evaluate the improvement of fuel consumption as well as the driving behavior through the driving training program. We also use a GPS equipped digital tachograph to collect the bus driving information, converted into several driving behavior indices as factors along with drivers’ personality index to construct the fuel consumption predication model. The drivers’ personality index was established through multivariate analysis from the drivers questionnaire survey data. The motivation of the experiment is to explore the role of the training program on this fuel consumption prediction model. The driving training program(DTP) is designed to guide a driver to a better driving behavior by comparing his/her driving behavior indices to the reference driving habits/strategies from the past experimental results. By repeatedly monitoring the fuel consumption before and after DTP, we can evaluate the effect as well as the lasting period of DTP. The research results show that DTP can achieve considerable reduction in terms of the fuel consumption. The most significant factors in the fuel consumption prediction model include: a high ratio of idle speed, a high ratio of high speed, unstable turn, and conservative personality. From this study, we believe that the behavior of a driver can be nicely rectified by DTP. The DTP can also be used by the transportation entrepreneurs to supervise the driving techniques and service quality of their contract drivers, or to set up a qualifying threshold for choosing new employees, thereby lowering the business cost.


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