  • 學位論文


A Comparative Study On The Causes of Disciplinary Violation Behaviors Between Voluntary and Compulsory Military Servicemen

指導教授 : 許春金


本研究之目的在於探討軍人違紀特徵及成因,並進一步找出預防之道,防範違紀行為發生。並且針對受訓於國軍輔導教育中心的受訪樣本7員實施訪談,就樣本分析可知,這些違紀類別主要有吸毒、計滿三大過、酒駕與逾假,是國軍輔導教育中心統計違紀事件中的常見類別,而且受訪樣本主要來自於陸軍,也是國軍輔導教育中心納訓人數中最多的軍種(以98年度陸軍納訓人數佔全體納訓人數的71%),因此本研究的受訪樣本在樣本分析上有一定的代表性。 本研究歸納出志願役與義務役軍人的違紀情形在入伍前後有密切的關聯性。在入伍前,違紀的發生與低自我控制特性相關,可以說是由於缺乏教養和訓練而產生。無論志願役與在入伍前均有家庭關係不好、交友不慎、染上惡習再加上本身的控制力較低等特徵狀況,導致在服役期間較容易產生違紀行為;入伍後,受訪者會有一段部隊生活上的磨合期,雖然部分受訪者入伍前染上的惡習在入伍後暫時收斂,不過也有受訪者因為違紀而被處以禁假,可是等違紀事件發生時卻為時已晚。而且經研究發現,無論志願役與義務役軍人均有類似衝動性、冒險性、短視性的特徵。此外,志願役比義務役不容易被察覺過去是否有染上惡習,受訪者甚至表示志願役之所以不容易被軍隊幹部盯上,主要是幹部對於志願役比義務役較為信任,這也是本文志願役與義務役違紀成因的差異性。 研究建議應建立三階段違紀防制處理原則,從篩選危安因子、即時輔導經常違規者以及處理違紀事件等三原則。另外,近來政府作出「2014年全面募兵制」的重大宣示,尤其是在志願役士兵招募制度上,在簡章上並未針對歷來國軍所發生的違紀事件設立「排除條款」或是志願役招募報名表內增加「自我陳述」欄位(即自我敘述之前有無違法前科),也就是說在未來招募志願役士兵上,若未能查明其少年時期是否有無前科的問題,建議國軍單位應及早與相關單位研擬先期作好資料審查,排除具危安因子(少年法庭記錄案底),可做好初期防護措施,降低日後軍人肇生違紀事件,進而凝聚團結向心力,增強部隊戰力。


The purpose of this study mainly investigates the topic of Disciplinary Violation Behaviors amongst voluntary and compulsory military servicemen. On the surface, this study examines causal reasons and early traits prior to violation behaviors. After examination, this study proposes effective methods to prevent violation behaviors. In primary reference to interviews collected from 7 military servicemen who were once enrolled at the National Military Correction Center, analysis shows that the primary categories of military violations include illegal-drug abuse, drunk driving, and tardiness to report for duty after vacations. Also, these interviews were conducted on individuals of the ARMY branch which comprise of the most violations amongst the National Military. Thus, the primary reference interviews are a reliable data source that accurately reflects the military violation census pool. This study discovers that an individual’s prior civilian life has a definitive impact on his or her frequency of violation behavior within the military. Military Violations have a high correspondence with low self-control caused by failure to educate and discipline within the prior civilian family. After enlistment, our interview subjects experience a grinding period that challenges them to adapt to military life. Although some of our interview subjects reprimanded some of their bad habits during this grind period, these habits eventually surface which results in the actual violation of military law. Our interview subjects all admit to conveying traits of sporadic decision-making, low self-discipline, and shallow foresight when they were in the act of military violation. Of note, it is less likely to detect signs of bad social habits and traits amongst voluntary servicemen. Some voluntary servicemen interview subjects support this notion by expressing how they got away with small violations and managed to hide away bad habits because superior officers naturally trust voluntary servicemen more than compulsory servicemen. This delegation of trust is a crucial difference between a voluntary and compulsory servicemen’s frequency of violation behavior. This study proposes a three step process to prevent military violations by servicemen. From identifying the causal factors, executing proper support and education prior to any serious offence, and executing proper support and discipline to any individuals after any serious offence. Also of importance, recently the government has legislatively approved of the “2014 voluntary service mandate” which is an important decision. Attention needs to be focused on how to screen newly enlisted servicemen for defects. In their evaluation forms, young civilians wishing to enlist are not required to fill out a short self-evaluation nor required to describe any prior criminal records. Also, this study proposes that the qualification criteria for recruits needs to be re-evaluated to properly evolve with modern times and in consideration of an individual’s prior criminal and/or juvenile records. In summary, this study finds that it is crucial to establish whether a voluntary recruit has any criminal and/or juvenile record. Doing so, we can identify any potential threatening individual prior to their enlistment and execute the proper support and education to prevent military violations.


