  • 學位論文


Eliminating “Shui-hu-qi”: The Effect of Narrations of Dang-kou-zhi

指導教授 : 高桂惠 侯迺慧


本論文由歷代對「水滸氣」或「水滸精神」的評論發想,考察《蕩寇志》對水滸氣的看法和它的精神風貌與《水滸傳》的差異。探討《蕩寇志》以何種敘事方式配合主題,達到「尊王滅寇」的創作目的。全書的研究方法是先對外部的《水滸》敘事群進行討論,再進到《蕩寇志》的細部分梳,確認《蕩寇志》是否走出了「水滸氣」。   第一章討論「水滸氣」的意涵後,第二章將分析影響《蕩寇志》甚深的金聖嘆及《蕩寇志》前的《水滸》續書對水滸氣的觀點。首先,釐清金聖嘆批評時的兩個重要概念:「忠義」與「忠恕」,以見他如何看待水滸英雄惡獸般不受社會體制所限的生命特質,並探討腰斬《水滸》對水滸氣的影響。其次,由《水滸後傳》作者隱逸的生命軌跡切入,考察後傳英雄的生命型態發生了何種不同於《水滸傳》中的變化。最後,探討《後水滸傳》在素材選擇、情節安排與人物設計上與《水滸傳》的異同以及它如何繼承《水滸傳》的反抗精神。   第三章探討《蕩寇志》的主要思想與人物塑造。在人物塑造上,藉由比較《水滸傳》與《蕩寇志》在英雄塑造上的差異,找出《蕩寇志》區分盜匪與忠義的著眼點;在主要思想上,分論《蕩寇志》的忠義觀、孝悌觀、宗教觀,再結合清代政治背景討論三者與清代教化政策間的關係。第四章則考察《蕩寇志》的敘述策略如何輔助「尊王滅寇」的主旨,而它的敘述風格又展現出何種與《水滸傳》不同的風貌。首先,考察《蕩寇志》模仿《水滸傳》情節的方式,以及它的模仿與以前的《水滸》續書的差異。其次,考察《蕩寇志》的敘述聲音、副文本如何與讀者溝通。最後,將《蕩寇志》的敘事時空與《水滸傳》相比較,而主要將重點放在對夜間時空的描寫以及梁山泊、猿臂寨空間的變化上。   以結論而言,《蕩寇志》中的英雄擺脫了水滸氣,並且《蕩寇志》在話語層面上也展現出與《水滸傳》不同的風貌,但對於「留存在中國社會的水滸氣」,《蕩寇志》其實沒有提出令人信服的解釋,也沒有拿出根本的解決辦法。


蕩寇志 水滸傳 水滸氣 續書 敘事


This thesis developed discussions from the successive reviews of "Shui-hu-qi" or "Shui-hu Spirit", and investigated Dang-kou-zhi’s views regarding Shui-hu-qi and its spiritual differences from Shui-hu-zhuan. The thesis discussed the narrative method used in Dang-kou-zhi to respond to the theme and to achieve its creation purpose of “respect the king and eliminate the rebels”. The research method of the entire book was to discuss external Shui-hu narrative group, then the details of Dang-kou-zhi, and it lastly confirmed whether Dang-kou-zhi is detached from the "Shui-hu-qi". The first chapter discussed the implications of "Shui-hu-qi"; the second chapter analyzes Jin Shengtan, who had strongly influenced Dang-kou-zhi, and the Shui-hu sequels' view regarding Shui-hu-qi before the advent of Dang-kou-zhi. Firstly, the two important concepts in clarifying Jin Shengtan's critics, "Loyalty" and "Forgiveness", showed how he considered the life features of the beast-like Shui-hu heoros that are not limited by the social system, and revealed how the disconnection of Shui-hu impacted Shui-hu-qi. Secondly, the discussion went into the life trajectory of the secluded author of Shui-hu-hou-zhuan, investigating the different changes of the hou-zhuan heros' life styles compared to Shui-hu-zhuan. Lastly, it discussed the material selection, plot arrangement and character design of Hou-shui-hu-zhuan in comparison with Shui-hu-zhuan, and how it inherited the rebellious spirit from Shui-hu-zhuan. The third chapter discussed the main ideas and characterization of Dang-kou-zhi. On the discussion of characterization, the thesis found the focus of Dang-kou-zhi distinguishing bandits and loyalists by comparing the differences between Shui-hu-zhuan and Dang-kou-zhi in their ways of hero creation. As for the main ideas, the thesis discussed the concepts of loyalism, filial piety and religion in Dang-kou-zhi, before it discussed the relationship between the three concepts and Qing education policies under the Qing political background. The fourth chapter investigated how the narrative strategy of Dang-kou-zhi assisted the keynote of "respect the king and eliminate the rebels" and the differences between its narrative style and Shui-hu-zhuan. Firstly, the thesis studied the way Dang-kou-zhi imitated Shui-hu-zhuan circumstances and the differences in its imitation compared to earlier Shui-hu Sequels. Secondly, it studied the narrative voices and how the paratext communicates with readers. Lastly, it compared the narrative time and space of Dang-kou-zhi with Shui-hu-zhuan and mainly focused on the description of the nights and the spatial changes in Liangshanpo and Yuanbizhai. To conclude, the heros in Dang-kou-zhi has detached from the Shui-hu-qi, and there are differences on the aspect of speaking style in Dang-kou-zhi compared with Shui-hu-zhuan. However, Dang-kou-zhi has failed to provide convincing explanations for the “Shui-hu-qi remained in Chinese culture”, nor it come up with fundamental solutions.


Dang-kou-zhi Shui-hu-zhuan Shui-hu-qi sequel Narrations


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楊儒賓 1996 《儒家身體觀》,台北:中央研究院中國文哲研究所籌備處。
熊秉真、余安邦編 2008 《情欲明清──遂欲篇》,台北:城邦文化事業股份有限公司麥田出版事業部。
鍾彩鈞、楊晉龍編 2004 《明清文學與思想中之主體意識與社會──學術思想篇》,台北:中央研究院中國文哲研究所。
