  • 學位論文


A Study on Taxing Religious Organizations

指導教授 : 郭介恆


對於宗教團體是否應課徵租稅?賦予宗教團體免稅地位是否違憲?此等問題迄今仍爭論不已。 有鑑於此,本論文期待達成下列幾個目標:(1)釐清宗教團體之概念內涵;(2)探究對於宗教團體課徵租稅是否會侵害宗教團體之宗教自由;(3)探究給予宗教團體租稅優惠之理論基礎何在;(4) 我國現行稅法對於宗教團體之相關租稅徵免規定為何?實務之看法又為何?(5)我國現行稅法對於宗教團體之相關租稅規定,能否符合宗教團體之實際需求?是否有值得改進之處? 為達成上開目標,本文將根據如下之結構安排來處理本論題: 第一章「緒論」:說明本論文之研究動機與目的、研究範圍與限制、研究方法及論文結構之安排。 第二章「宗教團體之概述及對其徵免租稅所涉之憲法問題」:本論文於本章第一節先就非營利組 織之定義、特質及其形成理論、原因,與非營利組織之分類等加以介紹,待確認宗教團體確屬非營 利組織之一環後,再就宗教團體之概念內涵、分類及其功能作說明。又,於本章第二節,本論文將探討對宗教團體課徵租稅或給予租稅優惠所涉之憲法問題。 第三章「美國對於宗教團體課徵租稅之法律制度」:由於美國法制對於宗教團體之課稅態度,係 隨著時間遷移而有所不同。於本章中,筆者將按時間歷程來分析美國稅法法制對於宗教團體課稅態度之變遷,並介紹現行內地稅法之相關規定,以供我國立法者參考。 第四章「我國稅法法制對於宗教團體之相關租稅規範及其檢討」:隨著宗教團體愈趨商業化,對於宗教團體之商業活動在稅法上應如何評價?誠值探討。於本章第二節,筆者將先就宗教團體所適用之相關租稅法規逐一討論,以瞭解現行我國各部稅法關於宗教團體之相關租稅徵免規定。再者,為防止宗教團體從事商業活動而對一般營利事業造成不公平競爭,筆者將對我國稅法之規定及實務見解加以分析,以釐清宗教團體之何種行為在我國會被視為銷售貨物或勞務之行為,而被課稅?而現行租稅制度之缺失,在前章所介紹之美國法制中,又有何解決之道可供我國參酌。 第五章「結論」:為使本論文所提出之相關論點更清楚易查,便利供研究者參考,本章將以「論點命題」之方式簡述各章提出之論點。


Can the government tax churches and other religious organizations? Is that unconstitutional if the government grants churches and other religious organizations the privilege of tax exemption? Does that procure an interference with freedom of religion if the government taxes churches and other religious organizations? These questions are controversial and tough to answer. However, I want to investigate and clarify questions above mentioned and give our government a direction to deal with these questions by this master’s thesis. In order to achieve these goals, the frameworks of this thesis are: In the first chapter, I will recount the motive, the ambit and limitation of this research, methodology and the logical arrangement of this thesis. In the second chapter, I will try to define the concept of churches and other religious organizations and clarify the arguments about taxing religious organizations and granting them the privilege of tax exemption. In the third chapter, I will introduce tax codes relative to churches and other religious organizations in Internal Revenue Code (I.R.S) in America. In the fourth chapter, I will introduce tax codes relative to churches and other religious organizations in Taiwan tax laws and investigate their defects. Finally, in the foundation of descriptions which above mentioned, I will make some suggestions to our government.


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