  • 學位論文


The Production of Space in Chunghua Plane during Japanese Colonial Period, 1895-1945

指導教授 : 郭肇立


彰化平原的發展始於清代,平原的地形加上有鹿港港口的優勢,使得彰化平原從清代以來一直是中部重要的生產基地及轉運中心。1895年,台灣在甲午戰爭後成為日本殖民地,台灣因位處日本南方,氣候較日本國內溫暖,物產較為豐富,日人為了奪取台灣經濟資源並將台灣資源大量輸往日本,建構一套完整的產業政策,總督府的現代化產業政策,使得台灣整體進入「現代」社會,本研究以全盤性的觀點探討彰化平原,企圖理解彰化平原在殖民體系中,平原的生產空間與都市空間的關係。 本研究透過深度訪談、總督府之公報、統計資料及當時詳細的地圖資料,運用疊圖等方式,企圖理解彰化平原上的產業網絡。利用彰化平原所生產的米、糖、鹽、青果等四大產業生產網絡,說明總督府如何奪取彰化平原的產業資源,並在生產系統建立的過程中,城市如何協助生產系統。研究架構中,本研究利用Lefebvre的空間三元理論作為理論基礎,日人利用生產系統及符號系統建構出殖民空間,以利奪取台灣產業資源,並利用本地資本家力量,在殖民初期快速奪取產業資源。這三大系統(生產系統、符號系統、本地資本家)交織成完整的殖民體系,也回應了Lefebvre的空間三元理論。 研究發現,彰化平原的空間結構在日治時期發生劇變,清代彰化與鹿港的空間結構到了日治時期轉變為以鐵路為主的帶狀關係(彰化、員林);其中,中產階級與知識份子是空間生產的主要力量。因此,殖民城市的空間生產是殖民權力建構的過程,透過殖民產業從生產、製造、儲存、運輸等一連串有系統的產業政策,將整個彰化平原形塑為一處殖民空間。


The development of Chunghwa Plain was starting from Qing Dynasty. Because of the landform and Lukang harbor, Chunghwa Plain was an important product position and transport center. In 1895, Taiwan became a colony of Japan after the Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1895. Taiwan is south of Japan, so the weather is warmer and the production is richer than Japan. To seize the economic resources of Taiwan and export to Japan, Japan set up an industrial policy. The modernization industrial policy led Taiwan into a modern society. This research focuses on Changhua Plain and tries to realize the connection between production space and urban space in colony system. This research via in-depth interview, governor’s statements, statistical and cartographic data analyzes by using map overlaying and tries to realize the production network of Changhua Plain. The governor built a network by exploiting rice, sugar, salt and fruit from Changhua Plain. This research explains how the Japanese Governor seized the economic resources form Changha Plain and how a city helped the governor to built it during the process. This research uses Lefebvre Trialectics of Spatiality as a basic theory. In order to seize the economic resources from Taiwan, Japanese used a production system, symbol system and the right of capitalist to build a colony space, so they could seize the resources rapidly in the beginning. The complete colony system combined with the three main systems (production system, symbol system and capitalist), and this research proves Lefebvre Trialectics of Spatiality. This research found the space instruction of Changhua Plain changed rapidly during the Japanese colonial period. The space instruction between Changhua and Lukang harbor became a connection relation based on railway and the middle-income and intellectuals played an important part in this period. Therefore, the production space of colony city is a process of the colony rights. The Japanese governor made Changhua Plain become a colony industry through producing, manufacture, storage and shipping of a series of industry policy.


江燦騰(2000),<日本在台殖民統治初期的宗教政策與法制化的確立 上>,《台北文獻》第134期,頁260-290


