  • 學位論文


The Irregular Patterns of Enterprises Participating in Government Procurement

指導教授 : 周愫嫻教授


國內近期發生一些重大的採購弊案,突顯公務員利用合法權職與手段謀取不法利益;廠商利用圍標、綁標手法破壞採購公正性,致使公共利益受損,嚴重影響政府形象與民眾信賴。本研究之目的有三:(1)從政府採購法實施八年來因採購弊案經法院一審判決之案件中,歸納政府採購弊案的犯罪特性。(2)分析組織面、法規面及執行面常發生的犯罪模式與特徵。(3)提出防制政府採購弊案犯罪之具體策略及建議。本研究之研究方法主要為「內容分析法」,從文獻回顧中深入探討採購制度沿革與流弊;又因政府採購弊案發生的可能對象,包括公務員、廠商、黑道、民意代表等身份,在弊案未發生前,具有極高的隱密性,犯罪人一經判刑定罪後,去職不易掌握行蹤,因此本研究乃蒐集法院審判定罪的案件中,利用統計分析軟體SPSS(Statistics Package for Social Science)彙整分析其特性與常見的犯罪模式,再歸納其共同特徵。資料來源為全國21個地方法院審理違反政府採購法之裁判書共計213件,以發生層級、採購標的物特性、採購流程、犯罪成本、犯罪利益、共犯結構、犯罪手法等項目加以彙整分類,尋求最適組合的變數群集(cluster),以萃取對本研究最有幫助的論點。經研究結果發現:最常發生的五大犯罪模式為:(1)「強迫廠商合意」:公告金額以上財物採購非法迫使廠商違反本意投標。(2)「民代與廠商合意違法」:公告金額以上工程採購民意代表介入廠商合意不為競爭。(3)「承辦人員與民代黑手介入」:查核金額以上工程採購機關人員與民意代表介入廠商不為價格競爭。(4)「分身投標」:巨額工程採購一家廠商擅用不同名義分身投標假授權獲取暴利。(5)「以回扣綁資格」:公告金額以上財物及工程採購機關收取回扣不當限制廠商之資格及標的物之規格、工法與工期。具有的共同特徵為:(1)採購金額多數均為公告金額以上。(2)採購弊端均集中於工程採購與財物採購,勞務採購發生比率較少。(3)民意代表對於工程採購喜歡介入、關說、施壓並瓜分不法利益。(4)機關承辦人員對於採購金額愈高者,愈有可能勾結外部人員圖利。(5)犯罪利益所得與採購金額具有一定的比例關係(通常約為一成)。(6)綁標行為以限制廠商的資格及標物的規格為主。(7)收取回扣係綁標行為的主要犯罪手法。綜合本研究主要建議:(1)採購弊案刑度加重。(2)落實決標前嚴格審查之程序,提供採購單位可操作之「錯誤樣態檢核表」。(3)加入最有利標決標機制及其配套措施。


政府採購 圍標 綁標 白領犯罪


In recent years, the incidence of several serious procurement scandals has highlighted the improper actions of some public servants using legal rights and measures to seek illegal benefits. Bid rigging and improper restrictions have sabotaged impartiality in procurement, damaged public benefits, and severely affected the government’s image and the trust of citizens. The objectives of this study include: (1) to identify the crime characteristics in government procurement scandals from cases ruled in the first-level court during the past eight years; (2) To analyze the common crime patterns and characteristics from the organizational, legal, and executive aspects; (3) To propose substantive measures and suggestions for preventing crimes in government procurement. In this study, content analysis was employed to review related literatures and further analyze the development and defects of the procurement system. As the subjects involved in these procurement scandals were usually public servants, bidders, criminal syndicates, and civil representatives, they were usually not exposed before scandals were disclosed. Once they were ruled guilty, they would be ousted or dismissed from office. It was then difficult to trace their whereabouts. Therefore, this study collected cases in which the offenders were ruled guilty and used SPSS (Statistics Package for Social Science) to analyze the patterns and characteristics of each case and induce common crime characteristics. The samples were the legal judgments of 213 cases in violation of Government Procurement Act from 21 local courts. They were classified by government level, attribute of the procured items, procurement process, crime cost, crime benefit, accomplice structure, and modus operandi to seek the optimal cluster and extract arguments helpful for this study. The research findings indicated the five common criminal patterns. From the research findings, this study suggested that (1) punishment for bid rigging should be increased; (2) strict review of bids should be conducted before tender awarding and an “error samples checklist” can be provided to procurement agencies; and (3) the most advantageous tender contracting mechanism and supporting measures can be included.


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